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Name: Kim
[ Original Post ]
My 4 yr old son has CP. He can walk, but he can't talk. He is not yet toilet trained. We have started sign language with him and he has taken to that very well. He is a middle child and we are having disipling problems with him and he does not sleep in his own bed. I guess we have spoilt him because we felt and still feel guilty about his CP. He is extremley bright and very switched on. But all the professional advice is not of any real value, because that is usually just their job. They don't generally have their own CP child to go home to. Any advice would be of great help.
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Name: Beth | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 8:54 PM
I have a 2 year old and a one year old. Both are affected and both are beautiful. The oldest sleeps with Dad and the baby with me and I love it. I figure sooner or later they will kick us out and want their own bed so I relish every minute. 

Name: sullykidsmom | Date: Jan 8th, 2007 4:41 PM
I have a 15 month old with CP and am new to all of the advice that people are throwing my way. I am looking for parents to talk to that might share some good insight on the different things that I can do to help my son. He is a beautiful boy with an anjelic smile. He is the youngest of five children and our last. I spend lots of time trying to educate myself on things that he might benefit from. I would like to talk to parents that are going through this with me or have been going at it for a while. If you could share anything with me or just would like to talk please email me at [email protected] 

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