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Name: NoahsMama06
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started crying just to end a fight you didn't intend on having in the first place? About 4:00 this morning I woke up and could just vaguely hear Noah crying. I reach over Brian to look at Noah's monitor and it's turned off. All my moving around woke Brian up and I asked him if he turned Noah's monitor off and he said He turned it off because Noah was crying so loud! I asked him when he turned it off and he said about 3:30 so Noah has been screaming at the top of his lungs for a half hour. I was so mad that he just turned the monitor off and went back to sleep instead of going to check on Noah or wake me up so I could check on him and we got into a fight over it. I told him that it's ok to leave him cry for a few minutes to see if he goes back to sleep, but to leave him scream at the top of his lungs isn't acceptable. This isn't the first time he's turned the monitor off. He tells me that he's tired. I say so am I but part of being a parent is making sure your child is alright and screaming at the top of their lungs in the middle of the night is not alright. It just went back and forth and call it horomones or whatever, but it just hit me all of a sudden that I don't trust my husband at night to take care of anything happening and I just started bawling and couldn't stop. It did stop us from fighting though and he put his arms around me and Noah and we went back to sleep. He's just like 2 different people depending on what time of day it is. He doesn't care in the middle of the night if there's a strange noise coming from another room.. not even if it's coming from Noah's room, he thought I was being rediculous when we had a big storm a couple nights ago and went and got Noah and brought him in by us because we had a tornado warning and the sirens were going off, he doesn't care that the dog was growling at something in the back room a few weeks ago around midnight. Anything that interrupts his precious sleep just isn't worth the bother. I just hope I don't go into labor in the middle of the night... I'd probably end up having to drive myself to the hospital!
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Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 4:32 PM
umm.......ya know hon......yeah i think i likely have.....though dont recall for sure???? If i did.....it was also likely it was during "similar" times.

I didnt have that trouble with my husband......but i do understand your concern......."hormones" or NOT. Some men......and women too.......inturput the sleep......and oh gosh!!

All i can tell you...is your right. And i hope.......that in time....it gets sorted out. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 5:05 PM
Men are sheep and must be lead in the direction you wish them to go. They will never think outside their own scrotum so we must help them along, with much force and tears if necessary. 

Name: Ashley Dawn | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 5:12 PM
oh yeah, i do it all the time. i just cried my way out of a fight (i know that sounds bad) last tuesday.

my husband drives me up the wall about him getting his sleep. it's like nothing should should come in the way of his sleep. i don't say much about it because he works such late hours during the week and he likes to sleep in come the weekends. he's such a heavy sleeper also. i don't even think he'd wake up if a tornado did come through!! 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 5:15 PM
lmao bebe!!! that's a perfect way of putting it....but actually i have to say James is pretty good at going to check on Anika....better than i am.....If she starts crying, he fkin' bolts out of bed and races to her room, as if she's about to die and he has to save her!!! LOL....and if I hear something in the middle of the night and I wake him up, he FREAKS, and races down the stairs to check it out!! but he's a little paranoid!! hahaha....when he's sleeping and gets suddenly woken up, he gets startled easily, so it's just a natural reaction for him to just BOLT!!! 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 5:17 PM
but i think he's still kinda sleeping when he does this, cause he doesn't think rationally....like instead of waking up, and thinking "hmmmm..she must be having a bad dream....i just check on her...." nope it's like "OMG OMG....WHAT'S HAPPENING????? AHHHHHHH" lol 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 5:49 PM
i ust get a cup full of penies ans shake it right over them..did that to my ex for 3 hours straight..cause if i wasnt getting any sleep then he wasnt either..cruel i know..but he got the point..lol 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 6:21 PM
omg....you meant pennies right? ha ha ha....i had to re-read it, cause i first i thought to said penis!!! lol....i'm thinking "penis? that's kinda weird...that doens't even make sense....what's she doing with penis?" lol...nevermind...i need another coffee...ha ha 

Name: irish Amy | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 6:41 PM
HAHAHA, I thought the very same and had to re-read it also 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 7:38 PM
Mmmmmm shakin' penies... Boww chicka bow wow!!! (tacky porn music... ) LOL 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 7:46 PM
hahhaha bmes............i read that too..........same though??!!!!!! "WHAT???!" 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 7:46 PM
*same thoughT* 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 21st, 2007 7:52 PM
Mmmmmm what I wouldn't give for a cup full of penies. All shapes and sizes and colors.... Ohh... sorry Too Much Info. 

Name: Mando | Date: Aug 25th, 2007 6:45 AM

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ANY ?'S Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] 

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