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Name: Lizzi
[ Original Post ]
A friend of my sons dad died unexpectedly,he was just 38 years old. He died of a heart attack. The autopsy showed that 2 of his arteries were heavily blocked,(1 90% and the other 95%). As I walked away from the casket I began to cry which surprised me b/c I didn't really know him other than having gone to school with his wife. I guess it kinda just hit home as a reminder that any one of us could be taken at any given moment. This man was the same age as my husband and for an instant I thought,it could be ME standing in that womans shoes next to that casket and just as easily MY husband laying there dead. We are gauranteed NOTHING in this life,so if you love someone,please don't wait to tell them how much they mean to you. Our lives can be gone in an instant.
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Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Feb 18th, 2008 8:27 PM
I am sorry that you had to feel that way but glad that you understand the fact that life is short and you need to give the love as you feel it! I hope you are able to have a good end to your day! 

Name: puakogirl | Date: Feb 18th, 2008 9:38 PM
It's hard not to think like that when put in that situation. I remember a couple times when I was pregnant and I couldn't reach my hubby on his cell phone. My mind would start racing- I ever cried once thinking how could I do this on my own if something had happened to him. I hope your day gets a little brighter :) 

Name: lindalu | Date: Feb 18th, 2008 10:33 PM
Lizzi you are so right! any one of us could have the same thing happen to us. We need to embrace each day treating it as if it was our last. 

Name: bmes | Date: Feb 18th, 2008 11:17 PM
yep....i totally know what you mean....a couple years ago, one of my hubby's friends died....when he was alive, i'll admit i did not like him one bit....i thought he was a total sleeze ball....well when I heard the news, i did actually cry....hubby asked why i was crying when i didn't even like him....it's still sad when someone dies....and yes it does remind you that life is way too short, and yes it could happen to any one of us.

and now, hubby's dad is quite sick, and my sister with this melanoma scare.....our whole family has been alot kinder to each other (not that we weren't before)....but we have become completly more aware now of what we take for granted everyday, and are all learning to cherish every moment and every opportunity we have when spending time with one another....

yep...life is waaaaaay too short.....it could all be over for any one of us at any moment. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 20th, 2008 6:44 PM
Funny how this STILL doesn't change the way I feel about my mother in law though. And to tell you the truth,if she were to pass away I do NOT plan to attend her funeral,(sad but true). 

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