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Name: K-beth
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Squeakers teach is now giving her C's in conduct. It seems like if it's not one thing then it's another. One minute the teach is AO (anal obsessive) about her getting work done on time now it's her conduct. It's like the teach can't say a good thing about her. This will be the first time squeaker won't make honor roll. All that AO over her finishing her work on time the teach never gave her less than a B. I was talking to the teach one day about how squeaker was doing good to finish her work the teachs first response was to jump on how squeak wasn't doing this or that. When I became persistant that she was realy trying the teach got even more negative about her. Since that day I haven't been able to talk to teach again she's always buisy or turns and goes the other way. Is it me or am I just going nuts or what. Oh and on fri. I had lunch with squeak like always the teach wouldn't even look at me she ran by and rushed the kids up stairs. On those days squeak is the last kid up so we can blow one more kiss goodbye. Those days I have lunch with her are the days she will be gone for the weekend to ex's. But on fri. the teach pushed her past and wouldn't let squeak say her final goodbye. That final goodbye is very important to her. 'Cuz when they first changed it to where the ex picks her up at school she had asked me to be there when they dropped her off and picked her up so that she could still see me and so I would still be able to walk her to class. This arangement was at squeakers request so I was there. After the third time the step and ex saw me they got to squeak first picked her up and ran with her crying and screaming to say goodbye to me cuz she had seen me also.I watch my baby be caried away crying and screaming for me there was nothing I could do my tooter was crying and screaming also so since then I only have lunch with her to avoid any more trama on the girls. I told the teach this a few times and would tell squeak not to take to long that she could still say goodbye just not be late doing it. What do I do? Is it realy me I don't know. I don't whan't to be that overbearing parent. any advise
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Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Feb 20th, 2008 2:19 AM
I think that you need to learn to let go a little. She is going to need to learn to deal with things in life not always being perfect. I think you are doing this more for you than for her. Let her get through this and she will be stronger! If you continue to keep up what you seem to be doing all the time you are never going to realize that she may have faults of her own and she is going to think that mommy will stop every bad thing in the world from happening and in turn will not have a proper understanding of consequences. I don't mean this to sound rude but I think that you have an issue with her being in the home of another woman and that bothers you so you are going to continue to place these problems on other people and you should try taking a step back and write down your problems and really think about why they bother you (I think that advice was given to you before) and really try yo think about what the real problem is! 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Feb 20th, 2008 5:36 PM
Alison's teacher asked me a strange question. She asked me if I lived in XYZ neighborhood and I said yes.. Then she asked me what my neighbors were like... I went on to tell her that they were wonderful blah blah blah... She THEN said, "IS YOU NEIGHBORHOOD MOSTLY WHITE????" WTF????? I was speechless and walked away.... 

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