Hello, guest
Name: Serina S
[ Original Post ]
I know I have been gone for a long time. Just want you all to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Maxie How is the how? Done yet? Winn Ya still running crazy? How is the Knee? Irene how are you& the family feeling . Lory hope your stress level is down!! Lizzi what are you up 2?Tweedy are you doing ok.! I know I did for get a few but I can not type much these day so forgive me please!
I so miss you all so much And think of you all so often!

Thing here are nutz trying to figure out where John parnetd will live finally he realized they can not stay with me . My Aunt just passed away and John is now cleaning out a house for a family so they can sell it..so for now he is working 4 jobs. He says the house is jammed full and it will take a few months until it 's done..So that is a help.
We went to a wedding ( Johns Second Cousin) ..right next to my home town in NJ.
We took and extra day too look around.So very strange to be back . All the 10acers is mostly over grown that we had behind the house and things are so changed and not changed in some areas. Weird ! Oh well...progress I guess.
Family room is painted so now all the painting down stairs is done except a closet. Now the flooring in the family is too expensive so we might just paint it..cement paint I guess.
Well sending my love out to you and May angles keep watching over you all,xoxoxo
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Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 28th, 2008 3:51 PM
Hello Serina,

I see you have been busy, also my condolences to you on your loss of your aunt.

I was wondering were you had gone, not very long ago I had posted a thread asking about a few older members. Winn said she speaks to you and Maxi on the phone on occasion so with her saying that I figured you were fine.

Nice to see ya. 

Name: Serina S | Date: Oct 28th, 2008 4:28 PM
Hi Linda
How are you ? How are the kids and all? Yep things are so nutz here. It is hard for me to type I have carpoltunnle in both my hands so I do not type much at all. I just miss ya all an thought I would push it and type some ...does a heart good ya know to talk to friends. Yes, I have been so blessed to have Maxie and Winn chat with me and a few emails here and there from the gang.
Be well,

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 28th, 2008 5:15 PM
I'm fine, I'v also been pretty busy myself. My daughter is turning 23 tomorrow. I also have been working off and on the company I last worked for just notafied me that they would like me to come back to work. I'm not sure if I will go back to work for them.

Hubby leaves for Japan Thursday he'll be gone for 10 days. I hate to say it, but it will be a nice break having him gone I'll finally be able to get some thing done around the house.

Well.... it is nice to see you, will you be staying around or is this a pass a buy? 

Name: Serina S | Date: Nov 25th, 2008 7:04 AM
Hi linda
I am gonna try to be on once in a while it is all up to how my hands are I have trigger finger in almost all my fingers.
Trigger finger is a condition in which one of your fingers or your thumb catches in a bent position. Your finger or thumb may straighten with a snap — like a trigger being pulled and released. If trigger finger is severe, your finger may become locked in a bent position.

Often painful, trigger finger is caused by a narrowing of the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. People whose work or hobbies require repetitive gripping actions are more susceptible. Trigger finger is also more common in women than in men, and in anyone with diabetes.

Treatment of trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, varies depending on the severity.

I just ripped my acl and meniscus in my left knee..so waiting to see if it will heal with some pt. I had knee surger on that knww 5 yrs ago.. not cool.
Samthan that went to her military first ball with her new "boyfriend" . This one actually seem like a nice kid.
Michael decided to take up carpentry . So he will be 1\2 day in hight schol and the other in a tech school.
John is still working too hard ..bless his heart!
Well that is about it for now.
Be well and hope you have a wnderful holiday!

Name: winnmom | Date: Nov 26th, 2008 3:19 PM
Dearest Serina!!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your families loss.......

I am pleased though to Hear that Hubby can now understand what would be too much on you.........
I am doing well hun......Just a lot of stress going on right now.......

So good to see you on here again......I have thought to myself I should give you a call, but seems the time just slipps past.........will do so soon.

Name: Serina S | Date: Nov 28th, 2008 2:25 PM
HI Winn
I do know how nutz life is it is hard to even pause.
John is now going to have to find another job the bars let him go for an automated music system and are cutting him out as a middle man . He got all the DJs and his system in the bars and they were paying him $ for the use of equiptment ( they are now buying) and all the work it takes covering the bars from Tue to Sunday night for 2 bars. One of the bars lost its license to charge at the door and they are not doing well..so they are keeping him on only until Dec.
God I sure hope he can find a job to make up for the DJ business..we are short every month as it is. With the Samanthas Birthday next week X mas and Michaels bday after that ..& my nieces too...Gad trying not to freak out. I hope we can manage...some how. We have no back up money and have already bounced 6 checks ( due to timeing ) they all landed on the same date..$33.00 per check that $198.00 in fees so far.
We are sapose to have Johns folks here for Dec 23 to Dec29. Oh and on Dec 12 to 14th. Added coast. On top of it all they are going to FL and need there kids to alternate weeks to "help..watch them".
John only gets 2 weeks vacation as it is some is used when the x is away. GAD!!!

Oh man sorry to complain!

I am going to go out today for cement paint ( hope we can paint over tile glue?) the family room floor..since a new floor is not an option.
The walls are now all painted Laundry room too..Not the bath room double door closet but that is ok for now.

I am wainting to see if a cortazone injection will help my tron ACL, & menicuse ..if not a jell injection ..surgery last resort.
My hand are not too bad today & this old back is the same. Everything else is wonderful. John & I just ha another anniversary He took 2 days off just to hang out with me. We both had a cold but got to spend some nice time.

Miss you and the Gals so much.
Bless you my dear friend Thank you for your dear heart!

I do hope you and your beautiful family is happy and healthy

Name: Serina S | Date: Dec 2nd, 2008 4:11 PM
Hey Winn
Do you know how Iren e& Maxie are? Have not heard from them in a while.
Thought you might have some intrest in a company I saw on Oprah call Mom corp it is a co that help stay at home people get jobs from home 20 to 40hrs a week...just a thought.
I have been researching jobs that you can do at home but they all are a scam ..this one is not.. now sure if they can help ya for your area but worth a shot.
Miss ya,

Name: Serina S | Date: Dec 2nd, 2008 4:15 PM

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