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Name: SAHM
[ Original Post ]
Besides the same old things cold rag, ambesol, tylenol etc any other tip on helping a baby sooth there gums.....plssssssss
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Name: Karen H | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 2:26 AM
There's an herb product made by Hylands that called Teethng Tablets. They are very small and easily dissovled by any age baby. It makes them relax and calms the swelling 

Name: Fiona | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 11:01 AM
I give my son Calpol (paracetamol) and he's fine. Sometimes rubbing stuff on the gums just doesn't work. 

Name: sabrina (preggy) | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 11:24 AM
Hey try a popcicle that helped my son because it tasted good and was cold to numb his mouth, my friend found little tiny popcicles some where which is alot better. Or you can make some with any juice that the baby likes and that way you'd know that they'd like the popcicles! Good luck! My son has all his teeth and got them all in mostly at once like two and then two then four then four more you see so I was lukcy not to go too long with it! 

Name: Laura | Date: Apr 4th, 2006 1:46 PM
My kids loved those teething rings that had water or gel in them and you put in the fridge.

You're not supposed to stick them in the freezer because the water freezes and that could break the plastic open. But I would toss them from the fridge to the freezer for about 5 minutes just before I gave them to them to make the water ice cold without freezing solid.

It seemed to ease their troubles a bit. 

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