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Name: NoahsMama06
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I'm just feeling hasseled and depressed lately. Noah won't let me leave the room for 5 seconds before he starts screaming and the bad part is he can see me wherever I go in the house! I have no energy and have been told by the doctor to lay down as much as possible.. yeah right I have a 15 month old. This pregnancy is hitting me hard and I actually fell asleep two days ago on the couch while Noah played on the floor and woke up to him giving me kisses and saying Mama nite LOL. I look around my house and see dishes piling up, a floor that needs vacuumed, a kitchen floor that needs mopped, laundry stacked up in a basket (at least it's in a basket right??), a kitchen table that has somehow in the last day managed to fill up with junk, and a living room packed full of toys that need to be put away and I just want to cry. I've been chipping away at it little by little but I just don't seem to get anywhere... I get all the dishes done and then brian brings a plastic bag home from work with all the tupperware he's been taking for lunch for the last 2 weeks to be washed. Mop the floor and something gets spilled on it. Clean off the table and the next time I look at it it's full again. Put the toys away and before I even turn around Noah has them out again. Add that to paying bills, making arrangements with doctor bill payments, balancing the bank account to make sure it's right, pull money out of my butt so we have some in savings, shop for groceries (when now I can't even walk all the way through the store without having to sit down a few times), cook dinner, entertain a toddler, take care of the dog, convince the man at the door that no I don't want his new cleaning solution, get the letters and one year pictures of Noah out to family (even though he turned one 3 1/2 months ago), convince my MIL that yes I really do want her here for a week around my due date (AHHHH!!), convince myself that I really do want her here, sort through baby clothes, rearrange Noah's room to fit another baby in, figure out what we need to buy for baby still, get Noah used to his toddler bed BEFORE the new baby comes and uses his crib, fill out the paperwork the Dr. gave me so I don't have to fill it out when I'm in labor and send it to the hospital, take care of Brian's FMLA, get Noah to his Dr. appt, and DON'T strangle the doctor when she asks at your next appointment if you've been taking it easy and laying down. And now I just realized I'm rambling and not making much sense, but I do feel a little better LOL.
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Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:36 PM
You are making perfect fricking sense. Sounds like Brian needs to be a little more sympathetic and pick up after himself, maybe bring home take out and vacuum the floor for you... 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:39 PM
Start using paper plates and nap when Noah naps. No shame in that... Get a friend or a neighbor to watch Noah Hell get a friend or neighbor to help.. You will never get any help unless you ask for it... 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:44 PM
Charla said add one more thing to your list. Pick her up at the airport, because she wants to come help you. She said she feels for you and hopes it gets better. 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:47 PM
Where do you live??? 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:55 PM
I would love to nap when Noah naps, but thats when I get most of my stuff done. Brian just tells me to relax and it'll all get taken care of eventually... I informed him that we don't have magic cleaning/bill paying/childcare giving fairies that come around while he's at work that take care of all those things.

Rain.. tell Charla I'll be there to pick her up anytime!! I'm sure it'll get better.. I just needed to let off some steam.

Thanks for reading my rambling everybody :) 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:56 PM
And I am sorry sweetie. I wish we could help you. Throw the plastic in the trash, tell hubby to buy disposable containers and throw them away until you are better. Poor thing, we all know how you feel hun. 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 4:56 PM
I live in Indiana

The containers he brings home are plastic and throw awayable, but I swear he's incapable of throwing anything away!! 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 5:02 PM
You HAVE to nap honey!! You are making a baby!! All of the other stuff will wait. Take care of yourself first!!!!! 

Name: kimber | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 5:41 PM
1. Make hubby take over doing the bills for a while.
2. Get rid of the dog, cause your not going to have time for it when the new baby arrives (I am serious/give to a good home, unless it is an out door- dog) (I had to do this, my nerves were shot taking it out to use the bathroom, trying to breast feed, and potty train to, I found a really good home for her and it helped my nerves so much).
3. Sleep when baby sleeps.
4. Go to the dollar tree and buy plastic forks and paper plates.
5. Put Noah in a 1/2 day program when the baby is born just for about 6 months, until the baby starts sleeping through the night, unless someone can help you. I wish I would have done this.
6. Drink lots of water and don't forget to eat healthy.
7. Get to bed at a reasonable time.
8. Buy a great big Tupperware box and place toys in it, so that your not picking up toys all day and taking them to noah's room. 

Name: kimber | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 5:48 PM
9. Buy a sweeper cleaner that runs off batteries that will take the place of a vacuuming for a while. I love mine. I also use a magic mop that is easy to use and you just refill it.

10. If you must do the bills, buy sticker labels that already have your name and address on them.

11. Get husband to help out more or watch baby so that you can get some rest or get caught up on babies room.

12. Can you put Noah in his pack and play while you rest on the couch? 

Name: kimber | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 5:50 PM
Laundry? I hate and there is really nothing that works for me. Unless you wash it and get hubby to hang it up when he gets home. 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 17th, 2007 6:12 PM
oh my!!! i soooooo know how you feel....and I laughed my ass off about the tupperware lunch containers!!!! TOTALLY the same thing here...ha ha....i had stressed myself out to the max over everything, and i finally had to just let go and say "FU*K IT!!!!" if i get it done great, if not oh well!! lol...cause it just wasn't worth it anymore....i had no energy left....so everyday, i just pick away at it bit by bit, and try not to let it get to me....lastnight i didn't do the dishes and they're still sitting in the sink!! OH WELL...i'll get to them sometime today....i'm not going to let it consume me anymore!! lol....the best thing i know that helped me, was at the beginning of the day, i'd write a list of goals to be done throughout the day....but they HAVE to be acheivable goals....not like i want to get this house in 100% order everything cleaned top to bottom....but i might write down "today i want to do a load of laundry and sweep the floors" and if i do more than that, then it's a bonus...trust me it works....then you don't feel like crap at the end of the day being dissapointed in yourself because you think you should be Wonder Woman and are NOT!!!! knowing that you got your achievable goals done by the end of the day makes you feel WAY better about yourself and not feel like a total BUM!!! lol...try it.....my hubby does it too!! 

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