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Name: bmes
[ Original Post ]
Anika and Lex are soooooo the opposite of eachother its unbelievable....when Anika was a baby, she didn't like to be stimulated with much....she would get overwhelmed very easily, and was more content just doing things on her own.....with Lex, he's been so fussy and twitchy, we were thinking something was wrong with him....we couldn't get it, cause we were doing everything the way we did things with Anika....well today I discovered that I think Lex likes an abundance of stimulation....we bought one of those things you put on the floor for them to lay on and there's a bunch of crap above their heads to look at and pull on and hit and stuff...you know what i'm talking about....anyways....we never had one of those for Anika....never needed it....so we bought one today and I put him down on it, and BAM...he was a totally different baby!!! instantly....before, i'd put him on his back on the floor so he could learn to roll over and stuff, but he wouldn't last for more than 5 mintues and he'd get pissed off, so he's hasn't been doing any rolling yet....but with this mat thing, he was down there for like 20 mintues!!!! and he started to roll on his side!! i'm so happy we've finally found something that makes him happpy!!! LOL....we've been boring the sh*t out of him for the last 3 fkin' months!!!! LOL...well i just wanted to tell you guys, cause i'm so stoked right now!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!! man, we were thinkin something was wrong with him, and all it was, was boredom!!! ooops..live and learn i guess eh?
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Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:52 PM
hey bmes.......glad everyone is happy!!

ya know i sort of did the same thing with noah.......and found out the same thing you just have. Boys......i bet 80% or better .....and just like our little guys. FULL of adventure and lookin for the next kick ya know??! Try a jolly jumper too?! Ya wanna giggle..........try that!!!!!! Noah LOVED that thing too. I had one of those your talking about with Olivia...i ended up just taking it apart....and putting it away. No interest .......really. Noah........perfect!!! Kept him entertained......till he NEEDED to go on to the next thing. Its so cool huh mom when you come across a hit lolol!!!!!!! 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:53 PM
*are* just like..... 

Name: momo | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 11:03 PM
Bmes..all babies are different..so dont be to worried that he doesnt roll over..the average is 5 months..Kingston rolled over at exactly 5 months..But rylin he didnt roll over till sometime around 6 or 7 months..

the mats are a good thing so they are interested in something rather than a boring floor..and in time he will roll over..its funny cause one day they arent doing anything then bam they roll over..thats how we found out about both of them..they rolled off the couch..ahh i was nuts..i felt so awful..so now that he is on his side..just remember its only a matter of time 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 11:15 PM
oh yeah...i realize that all babies are different, i just didn't realize HOW completely different they are....Anika was the mellowest baby ever!!! she just sat there...never cried....she'd be happy staring at a wall....but she started rolling over at about 3 months, and I started to worry, cause Lex shows no interest in doing that at all....i'd put him on his back and he'd just go stiff and twitch!! he's very twitchy....anika was a limp noddle!! LOL....well i'm just glad i found something that he likes finally....


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