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Name: Try-N-MyBest
[ Original Post ]
I am a mother of 1. She is 3 and has never really been any problems until recently. She is at a newer sitter, a friend of mine, and she is not listening at all. Her sitter has a 1 year old and also watches 2 other children aside from my daughter. One is 2 and one is 10 months.
Well here is my problem, my daughter has started to put her hands on her sitters 1 year old. Nothing major just pushing, or shoving with her foot, not really kicking. But today, she bit her! She has never bitten before and I know she has picked up a lot of other bad behaviors from the 2 year old boy there. Like yelling, saying no to me and her father and growling/grunting. But this is no excuse. She is older and knows better. WHAT DO I DO?? Time out isn't working, nor talking to her or even swats on the hand. I feel like a horrible mom everyday that I pick her up. PPLLLLEEEAASSEEE HELP!?!?
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Sep 20th, 2006 5:30 PM
Put her in a time out chair and MAKE her sit there ,no matter how many times you have to put her back in it. And once she is seated and quiet,you explain to her what she did to get put in that chair and remind her that if she continues that behavior she will be back in that chair. Have your sitter enforce that at her house too. Once your child gets tired of sitting in that chair,she will stop the nonsince,but you and the sitter BOTH have to keep her in the chair I'd say for 3minutes to start each time she does something to deserve it. Or if she's real whinny about it the whole 3 minutes,then you can keep her seated beyond the 3 min. until she has sat for 3 minutes QUIETLY! It will work over time but you will have to be persistant and so will your sitter. 

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