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Name: amy
[ Original Post ]
am haveing a baby in april and i am single with no saport form my ex so i need to no how long after i should get a job and put my child in day care
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Name: all_belly | Date: Nov 22nd, 2005 12:11 AM
I am in the same boat and havethe same question. The day care I looked into accept a newborn after 6 weeks, but they said they would accept my little girl at 4 weeks. I wish I didn't have to go back to work so soon and I am catching a lot of grief about it from family and friends but I have to support my little one. 

Name: zoe | Date: Nov 29th, 2005 4:47 PM
why do kids like me have kids at a yong age 

Name: Bridgette | Date: Dec 29th, 2005 6:50 AM
Honestly, there is never a right age for daycare. Unless you find the right place. Once I put my son in Day Care he didn't want to go, he cried everytime I left. He was sick all the time! I don't know how many days of work I missed for him being sick. I took me a lot of time and money to find the one he is in now. I wish that I had the choice to stay home and watch him myself. My advice is to stay home watching him as long as you can then when he/she is aout 2-3 years old think about daycare because then at that time they can learn to share and other helpful things. 

Name: Angie | Date: Jan 14th, 2006 1:34 AM
Most centers will take an infant at 6 weeks. Some in-home daycares may take an infants sooner if you absolutley have to get back to work right away. I hope that you can take at least 6weeks maternity leave though. I was able to take 11 weeks, and it just never is enough. Good luck hun. Be strong and I am sure you will be a good mommy to your baby. 

Name: renault | Date: Jan 25th, 2006 6:34 PM
why cant i have kids 

Name: terri | Date: Jan 27th, 2006 4:09 AM
amy you stated that your family is giving you grief. can any of them help you instead of critizing you? maybe you could start back part time for now and get your mum/sister to look after your baby a couple of days a week. good luck and i hope it all works out for you 

Name: Jannine | Date: Jun 17th, 2006 2:45 PM
I don't know that anyone can tell you when is right for you. Quite honestly, due to finances, my son was in daycare from 9 weeks old. They say it's easier earlier but they still go through a really rough time around I think it's one or two and scream like crazy when you leave them. The most important thing is finding someone-place that you can trust, next comes affordability and convenience of location and hours. But trust is the most important thing. Because it is going to be one of the hardest things you will ever go through. So, the best you can do is find someone you trust. This way you can go and at least on a logical level know that your baby is safe. I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you that there was any easy way for this. Unfortunately, there isn't. But know that we have all been there. And, while I can't speak for the others, I'm here if you ever need to vent. My email is [email protected]. Take care. 

Name: charla | Date: Jun 17th, 2006 3:28 PM
i think most daycares will only take your newborn at 6 weeks. thats been my experience. 

Name: Rose | Date: Jun 17th, 2006 9:53 PM
There is no set time - it's when needs must. It's a real rench and is an awful feeling to leave your child with somebody else. I used to hate it -I'd knock the door of my child minder and she'd be there holding MY son. I almost hated her for it! Nursery fees are expensive but don't forget that you will be entitled to working tax credits/child tax credit/child benefit or if you are part-time you may be eligle for some kind of income support. Don't forget the most the most important money to claim and that's through C.S.A. Make sure your ex faces upto at least his financial responsibilites even if it means CSA. You are not doing it to be 'greedy' you are doing this for your child. Book an appointment with your local Citizens Advice Bureau and make sure you claim everything that you are entitled to. My sister in law was on a low paid job and it worked out better for her to stay at home for a year, get a financed college course for the following year (day care provided) and then shall be returning to a better job next year. For me I was luckily enough to have 15 weeks full pay but I had to back after that. Don't worry about the ex not being there. When you have recovered take part in mother/toddler groups. I also found the best place to meet people in the same situation was the swimming pool. It costs only about £2.00 and your child will be free! This situation will haunt your ex even if it is ten years down the line. One day he will be a MAN and realise what a jerk he was. That's something that will haunt him forever. If ever you want to chat you can e-mail me [email protected]. Take care xx 

Name: MARIA | Date: Aug 19th, 2007 12:38 PM

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