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Name: Kris
[ Original Post ]
Hello. I am 25 years old and 7 1/2 months pregnant. I work full time in production, so I am always on my feet and running around. I am so tired!! My back and feet hurt and I get so hot. I also have a 3 year old that needs my full attention when I get home from work, because my hubby works nights, so this leaves no time for relaxation or naps. This is starting to get a little stressful. I cant quit because I carry the insurance. Can anyone relate or have any advice on how to start taking a little more time for myself so I can sleep?
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Name: Tonya | Date: Mar 23rd, 2006 8:31 PM
I'm 37 , 38 next Month and I'm exhausted . Working full time , driving an hour to and from ////any suggesstions ?

Tired Mom 

Name: Cherylcd | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 1:52 AM
I am 26 and I have 4 kids and I remember what it was like to be pregnant and seemingly helpless. I have twins that are 4 and a 3 year old that loves attention but what I have done to give myself some time was gave them computer time and favorite movie and that allow me at least an hour to catch up with me.

How is that? 

Name: Cherylcd | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 1:54 AM
I use to drive an hour to work and I was making to work later and later due to traffic and hating the lenghty driving. I have moved with each new position that I have had, if your job is long term find something near work. I hate long commutes.

I am now 20 min. away if that... 

Name: Sara Jayne | Date: Mar 29th, 2006 12:02 AM
I feel your pain, Im a manager of a dining room at a retirement home, my fiance is away in the army. We're 15 weeks pregnant, and have a 3 year old BOY aswell. I am exhausted and the vericose veins on my legs are pathetic, considering Im 24 and normally about 115 lbs...so Im quitting my job and going out on sick leave for 15 weeks, which will take me almost right up to the due date. Go to your Dr and tell her/him that you are experiencing such unhealthy blah blah blah...they should give you a note no problem 

Name: kassy | Date: Mar 30th, 2006 10:33 PM
Im 22, I have a four year old and I am 22 weeks pregnate. I work in a prison where my days off vary and my shift varies. I drive 38 miles to work and 38 miles home and then my four year old needs my attention. I am very tierd and very stressed. My hubby says oh whats the big deal you have been pregnate before. And sleep? Yeah right , when I get to bed I toss and turn. I feel your pain sister! :) 

Name: Kris | Date: Apr 1st, 2006 4:55 AM
haha sara jayne! That is so funny......yet so true. I could probablly tell my doctor I am having a small pain in the tip of my finger and he would give me a note. Hey its worth a shot!! 

Name: skelley | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 3:14 PM
Who makes more money you or your husband? If you then let him quit and care for your child. If he makes more as soon as you have your baby quit! You will live without insurace. Learn ways to keep your family healthy and one way is keeping your child out of daycare! Teaching your family better eating habits and health habits will keep them well and you'll find you where waisting your money on insurance anyway. 

Name: janet | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 7:28 PM
hey kris, I'm 26 & about as far along as u are. I was planning on working till about 2 weeks before my due date, but the strss of the job and the work was too much, I actually left early just this week. Even though I don't carry the insurance, we sure need money, but after talking it thru w/ hubby, he agreed to try and handle things for a while...
Just wanted to say that since staying home (and it's only 3 days!) I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I can't even believe the change in how I feel physically & mentally. After feeling this way, I think that the budgeting and tightening of our belts for the next couple months is so worth it not just for me but most of all for Baby's health!! 

Name: to skelly | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 7:31 PM
hello she is pregnant.. if she is the one with the insurance how is she supposed to cover hospitalization for birth, the baby's shots and checkups after, and pediatrician for baby & toddler? sure it's cool to eat healthy & all but insurance is not a waste of money especially when it comes to her kids!! 

Name: kris | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 10:16 PM
Janet-man I wish I could stay home too. I am 31 weeks now....so im getting close, but its so far away!!!!! 

Name: Alicia | Date: Apr 26th, 2006 10:20 PM
I would love to stay home too! Your not alone in this! Im 30 weeks pregnant and work 40 hrs a week and Im a single mom to a 9 year old. I have to say, atleast my son can make himself a sandwich for dinner if im to tired or something, I really cant imagine what It would be like to have a youngster, be pregnant, and work full time, I feel for yah! 

Name: Louis Feder | Date: May 16th, 2006 10:37 AM
I am a College Graduate. Two Years Back I saw in one of the postings. Earn Millions by working from Home. From that day onwards i am trying for best site. But 6 Months back i found out the best site from that time i am earning 25000$ per month.


miss this oppurtunity. This is the best one i find.
Happy Earnings 

Name: kristy | Date: May 17th, 2006 7:45 AM
i know exactly how u feel u poor thing. my job is in a kitchen so im always on my feet, while i was pregnant with dylan my 4 year old it was hard but at least when i finished work i could sleep or whatever i wanted. but when i had brody and then kayla it got alot harder because i couldent sit down and relax anymore, those days were gone lol, and it was alot harder, the only thing i can suggest is what i did - though i understand it cant help everyone - i rested while dylan was alseep and got my friends and family to take him for an hour every now and then just for me to rest. hoefully this helps. 

Name: dawn | Date: Jun 4th, 2006 3:41 AM
oh gosh i really need some random mom to talk to ...im a working mom with 6 kids...and also ehausted!!! if yuo have msn i would love if you added me --- [email protected] 

Name: Nicole | Date: Jun 7th, 2006 4:14 PM
I understand that totally I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old and I feel that I am running non stop from 5 am until 10 pm. I have found that just for maybe 20 minutes out of the day get some spa gel eyes (available at Bed, Bath & Beyond) and a good southing sounds CD and just lock yourself in a room . Ear plugs might work wonders too. =) 

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