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Name: dizzy | Date: Aug 25th, 2006 2:09 PM
Hi, my daughter is now almost 10. she has just been diagnosed with adhd. i've done many different parenting courses and have found that very few ideas have worked. her behaviour has just become less and less manageable as her impulsiveness doesn't allow her to withdraw from a situations to do" time out" and trying to make her just enraged her more. my other two girls and I, now have" time out" from her. i started with how much time her usual outbursts lasted, which was half an hour, i would tell her the time when she started and tell her the time we would talk to her again, it was really hard to do for the first week but by the second we had decreased it by 15 minutes. the next week she rebelled for three days. it was so hard after how far we'd come but it settled down and it works she calms alot faster and it takes away the stress, we also use this when out and about we allow her to walk ahead or just stand away from her for 10 minutes. it has stopped her running. I wish you luck,I know how hard it is, there were days when my daughter beat me black and blue whilst screaming abusesive words at me, but things are improving, and i try to remember she hates her outbursts too. 

Name: cj | Date: Aug 25th, 2006 9:17 PM
It is scary and it is hard. My 8 yo is add and my 6yo is adhd. My kids are taking meds, but I don't like the side effects. I am trying to do some things to get them off the meds. Check out the play attention web site. I have been talking to a Phd about it and it seems to be worth a try. She has about 150 people using the system and is seeing some great results.
feel free to email me at [email protected] 

Name: teresa | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 12:52 PM
My daughter is on Strattera. This is a non-stimulant drug for ADHD that last 24 hours. My daughter has not suffereed any eating or sleeping problems from taking this and I have seen a great improvements in her school work. Talk to your doctor about Strattera. 

Name: BrendansMom | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 9:16 PM
There is no way I could not have my 5 year old son on meds. Even with meds now he still throws things, yells, screams, tells me I'm a stupid mom. Yep, its pretty fun. He has been having difficulty keeping weight on and his ad/hd doctor suggested we start giving him Boost. Its a nutritional supplement, like Ensure. It has helped him. You might try it. If you want to chat feel free to email me at [email protected]!! Hang in there. You are not alone! : ) 

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