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Name: HOPE!
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I was called in to my sons private school, for like the 100th time that year, because of whatever he did or didn't do. I dont even remember. They told me he they thought he had ADHD and unless he recieved some type of outside services or I sat with him during school! (how embarrassing for him), he would be kicked out. My family was not really happy with the school anyway. At one point when they asked me to come because of a problem, I asked my dad to go. (He taught in the public school system for 37 years, certified to teach both elementary and secondary math and science, both regular and special ed) When he came back, he asked me why the hell I even had my son at that school! Anyhow, I didn't take him to anyone, because my dad said that once he is labeled, that label would stay with him until he graduated. Becasue we were in a fortunate position, I was able to take my dad's advice and homeschool him. I also knew that the label would stick with him, because I had a friend in high school who had ADHD. He had been labeled at his old school and when he arrived in our town, the teachers were prepared. He came in the beginning of 11th grade and during first semester of 12 grade, they told him he could either withdrawel or they would kick him out. HERE COMES THE HOPE PART. He withdrew, went and took his GED, applied to PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, was accepted, graduated (it did take him 6 years instead of 4, but he was also working), lives in a lovely 4 bedroom house with his wife, their 3 children, and a dog. His salary is around the 50-60,000 range. However, I am sad to report, I do not know the sanity of his mother after raising him 18 yrs. LOL No, actually his mom is a wonderful women and very, very proud of what her son has been able to acheive. As, with my own son, as you all know, some days are better than others. I have been able to enroll him in a homeschool co-op. They meet twice a week during regualar school hours, but the structure is a bit different and he loves it.
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