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Name: SuzyQ
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My son was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD on Saturday. The doctor put him on Adderall XR. I am worried about him. My family is giving me alot of grief about putting him on Medication. They say that he is now labeled. I feel that I am doing what is best for him. He is out of control. He hits me, punches me, spits on me. I actually have bruises from him. He also does this to his brother. He is constantly destroying things. I am afraid to buy him toys cuz they are usually broke by the end of the day. He takes extreme risks also. He climbs my walls. He has gone out on the roof. He climbs the tree, way to high and then says he is going to jump out. He just seems like he doesn't care. He is very disrespectful towards adults. It is either his way or no way. Did I do something wrong? I can't stop blaming myself. Please help!
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Name: mommyp3 | Date: Aug 22nd, 2006 12:46 AM
First of all, don't blame yourself! These children are very special and it is up to us to help them. How old is your son? I did a lot of research and made perfect sure that my son had ADHD before I put him on meds. It is so over diagnosed these days, you want to make sure that is what he has. The meds will help him calm down. Don't worry about your family, do what is best for you and your child! I got a lot of grief from my family too! They didn't agree with me putting my son on meds. But you know, they don't live with your son 24 hrs a day! So I think you did the right thing and it will all work out! Good luck! 

Name: SuzyQ | Date: Aug 22nd, 2006 2:06 PM
My son is 5 1/2. He will be six in October. I have done alot of research about adhd and I really feel that this is the best way to help him. I don't want him to have problems later in live because I was ashamed to do something to help him. I don't want anything to be wrong with my son, but what kind of mother would I be if I just ignored that fact that he needs help. That is why I have taken him to see a counslor and she was the one that sent us to see a psych doctor. My son is going to start Kindergarten next week and I am nervious. I want him to love school. I don't want him to be labeled the "bad kid". The other question that is bothering me, is should I tell the school that he has been diagnosed with adhd and put on Adderall XR? I don't want him to be treated any different than the other kids. Kids can be so mean. My sister also said that if i tell the school that he will get labeled and have an IEP. Someone please give me some advise on this... 

Name: mommyp3 | Date: Aug 23rd, 2006 3:51 AM
I personally wouldn't tell the school. As soon as I told the school that my son had ADHD, the teacher started to call me for every little thing! I also got into it with the Principal because he constantly kept pulling my son in the office for everything! My son cut someone in the lunch line and he got suspended!!! I felt like the yard duty, teachers, and principal were just picking on my son because he has ADHD. So I wouldn't tell them! The meds will work, just give them some time. Try to put him on something that doesn't have to be taken at school. This should only be between you and your family! Also don't tell your son he is taking meds for ADHD, tell him it is a vitamin! That way he doesn't feel different! My son is 8 so I tell him what it is for and he understands. But since yours is still a little young, tell him it is a vitamin! Hang in there, our ADHD kids are very special and God put them in our hands for a reason! Because we are strong moms and can do it!!! 

Name: SuzyQ | Date: Aug 23rd, 2006 12:01 PM
Thank you so much for the advice!! It is really nice to talk with someone that really understands. Like I said before my sister is really giving me a lot of heat about the medication and the diagnosis. This entire situation has come between the two of us. My mother died 2 years ago. She was my support and best friend. It is hard to make decisions like this and try to do what is best for my boys without the advise of my mom. My sister just doesn't understand. My sister and I are very close but it really bothers me that she isn't supporting me on this issue. I want my son to have a good life and not get into trouble or do drugs. I want to protect him. If he would have been diabetic. Would she have given me problems or questioned me for seeking help? I think not. I just can't understand why she can accept the decisions that I have made for Timmy. My other son who is 15 months older than Timmy, is on Zoloft for severe anxiety. Our family has been through so much tragedy that we should stick together not fight. As for the school issue, I feel that you are right. I don't think that I am going to tell them unless something comes up. My older son had a terrible time in first grade last year. That is why I decided to seek help. I ended up putting both boys in therapy. I just hope that i am doing what is best for my children. In my gut, I feel that I am, but it is hard when you don't have anyone to support you or help you. Thanks for listening and being there. It helps being able to get this all off of my chest. 

Name: Georgiana | Date: Aug 26th, 2006 8:40 PM
Ok hun this isn't your fault. I was told that Adderall wasn't a good med. for kids with adhd. Because they tend to have more outburst on that med. I have my son on concerta and that seems to work on him great. My son use to try to do the same things that your son does to you. I have him on this med and he hasn't done any of that for 5 years. I have learned that there are some cases where kids should not be put on it but after growing up with it myslef I wish my family would have known about it then and helped me. I did bad in school and seeing my son after I got him help I would not have change my mind. My husband also has ADHD. If you want someone to talk to just drop me an email at [email protected] 

Name: Eileen | Date: Aug 27th, 2006 3:57 PM
It is tough for everyone to make the decision to put your children on meds. It also seems that teachers are the only ones that agree with us. Sometimes I I feel the same way. My son was treated for adhd when he was 6. But I knew he was adhd by the age of 2 he would never hold my hand or listen to the rules at age to I didn't expect him to understand alot but he couldn't sit still for one secound jumped from toy to toy climbed on anything he could. now he is 7 dose good at school he is on ritalin la 20 mg. One day I decide to take him off to see if he could manage without the meds. Well lets just say it was a bad idea in first grade he pulled down his pants and showed his privates. I asked him why he did he said because it made everyone laugh. I felt diffent emotions that day I was mad at him then I felt sorry for him I just didn't know what to do. I guess we just have to take the time to understand and some time I truely think that they don't understand themselfs. We all love our children and we all do are best to be good moms but we have to be strong for them . Wish you the best of luck to all moms and It is not your fault or the childs fault it's a condition that is out of control we have to except and just be compassion and patients to our children even though it tough and somtimes embarrsing. 

Name: jamberrt | Date: Aug 31st, 2006 1:02 AM
Have you had him tested for any allergies? My daughter is off ALL sugar...cookies, chocolate, pop. I know there's some stuff you can't avoid but that's a start. Also changed all the cleaning products in my home to products that don't have harsh chemicals and noticed a difference in my 2 year old - less outbursts (temper tantrums). Bonus? I have WAY less migraines. 

Name: Lisa Thyr | Date: Sep 13th, 2006 3:51 AM
I also have a son who was diagnosed with ADHD and feel alot of the same problems that you are going through. You like me are doing the best you can with the tools and resources you have. I am in the process of tracking down tools that will help me deal with my sons distructive behavior, because I have noticed that if I get all fired up with every little thing it only puts fuel on an already raging fire. I have friends that come over and look at me like I am crazy when my 8yr old is having a screaming match in the bedroom with himself, because I refuse to have a conversation with a wailing ball of fists. I have just taken it upon myself to stop sweating the small stuff, now other families might think what I consider small stuff a far cry from being small but we aren,t the same as everyone else. Well I hope that you take something with you with what I,ve said, and the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in the way you feel. 

Name: teresa | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 12:31 PM
Tell your family to mind their own business. My child is on Strattera and I have seen great improvements. I would rather my child be medicated than him killing himself with extreme risks. You have done nothing wrong. It has taken me quite awhile to come to that conclusion myself. I prefer using Strattera instead of Adderall. Adderall is a stimulant that effects their eating and sleeping habits and it wears off at 4:00 in the afternoon. Strattera is a 24 hour medication and non-stimulant drug. I have seen great improvements in my daughter. 

Name: fancy | Date: Sep 26th, 2006 2:30 AM
Hi I did that too with no help and blamed myself for it all but now my seven year old son is on concerta and is doing wonderful as hes a different child he still gets his moments but not that bad anymore and hes more calm around his brothers and at school hes a better child but your the only one who knows whats best for your child you cant listen to your friends or family I was against the medicine at first but now I'm glad hes on it I hope I helped some whatbut I remember my son breaking my stuff his brothers anything he got his hands on but now with meds hes a different child if you want to talk more email me at [email protected] 

Name: taybry | Date: Oct 12th, 2006 6:23 PM
Could your son possibly be Bi Polar, I would always get more than one diagnoses. I went to three different child psychs and had my daguhter tested at school as well. 

Name: adp | Date: Mar 16th, 2007 11:59 PM
no. Your son sounds like my son he has adhd/odd also my son did same things to me. My son was on same meds at first but ended up taking clonidine, risperdal and changed from adderal to focalin. Meds are working for him. Dont worry so much about what others think just know that you are doing whats best for your son they don' t know what its like to live with a child with these kinds of behaviors 

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