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Name: tracy
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my daughter is adhd and in a normal main stream school. In a class of 30 other children. she is 6 years old, very intelligent little girl but due to the adhd she is under achieving. Today my daughter was in her class and did some writing which must of taken a great deal of concentration!!! Because the spaces between the words were to big the teacher threw my daughters work in the BIN right in front of her thats not all the teacher made my daughter do the work again and threw the second one in the bin as well.i phoned the school, they didnt deny it of course they just made excuses, has anyone else had this sort of things happen to their child i have a hard time dealing with her behavior but i would never treat a child like that let alone a child with a disability. i am going to complain i think that teacher has totally lost the plot, i would be really gratful for advise, or maybe just leave me your view on this situation.
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Name: tracy | Date: Nov 4th, 2005 8:42 PM
I would be in a rage if a teacher did that to my child! She doesnt need to be teaching, I woud take it all the to the top 

Name: to Tracy | Date: Nov 6th, 2005 4:33 AM
You should go to your local school board and tell them what we have read. In addition to that file a writen report so it will be in the teachers file.
I would also see that the school provides therapy for the girl. 

Name: Chris | Date: Nov 6th, 2005 4:55 AM
Hi Tracy,

I'm not quite sure what to tell you. It seems as if there's always some kind of issue to deal with when you have an ADHD child. I often wonder about the teacher. Everything you read about tells you to sit and have a conference with your childs teacher to make sure they understand that your child has an issue. You do that the teachers tell you that they are trained to deal with ADHD so you intrust this little person to them that you have created and low and behold it never fails something like this happens. I always try and look at it from a perspective of that the teacher is human and just as we get frustrated with our ADHD child so do they. But as a parent we often feel guilty and have to turn to chat sites like this to help us cope. So what my point is does the teacher have any kind of remorse? If she doesn't I would definetly cause a big stink. If she does have remorse then I would work with her/him to help your child succeed in their class. 

Name: hopeful in florida | Date: Nov 7th, 2005 12:09 PM
yes I agree it should have been handled a bit different, but are you and your daughter thinking just because she has adhd she should be treated differently? Is your daughter on medication for adhd? thier are rules in life and in the class room seems to me she is treating her like all the other children which is a good thing she is not giving her special treatment because the socity will not. being only 6 she will adapt , I would talk to the teacher and see what the requirement for the assignment were and then go from there. Maybe your daughter just did not follow the directions . It may sound harsh but I am glad when my daughters are treated equal and not like they have a disability. 

Name: Ruth | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 1:23 PM
Childern with ADHD should be treated differnetly they have a disblity and all disablitly people need extra care and help and consideration 

Name: tracy | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 2:41 PM
thank you ruth i believe that to and thank you for your reply 

Name: shannon | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 5:39 PM
I can understand from the child point of view I"ve grown up my whole life with ADHD, and no one even bothered to find out that I had it until I was in high school so at least you caught it early. That teacher is probebly one of htose many people who beleive that ADHD doesn't really exist that it's just a way for parents to make up excuses to why there child is missbehaving. I here that all the time and is ticks me off to no end! If that is the case then it might be up to you to make sure she gets the extra help at home that she obviously isn't going to get at school. Good luck Tracy. 

Name: tracy | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 6:47 PM
shannon thank you for your reply and advise, Its the head teacher at the school with the bad attitude, I have adhd as well. All im trying to do is get my girl the help she needs, i didnt get any help when i was younger because of the attitudes of schools i just dont no what is the matter with people, i as a mother refuse to let my daughter have the life i have had she deserves so much better . 

Name: jen | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 6:58 PM
to tracy
i would get her as far away from that school as possible doesnt matter how many schools she has attended i would not put up with it And you should go right to the top and complain i think the teacher needs her own adhd looking at !!!!!! god bless 

Name: Lisa K | Date: Nov 21st, 2005 10:43 AM
Hi Tracey, I think that the teacher needs to go to re-train in how to cope with adhd. My son is adhd too and I know that would have crushed his self esteem.. Get intouch with your local parent-partnership and they will take it all the way to the top on your behalf!! Good Luck 

Name: Louise | Date: Nov 22nd, 2005 9:39 AM
That is disgraceful for a teacher to behave like that . I am a special needs teacher in training and my only suggestion would be that maybe the teacher has no knowlegde or training and no emotions !! to deal with your child, i am a mother also to a 5yr boy and if he was treated like that I would be furious. 

Name: dreams | Date: Nov 23rd, 2005 12:40 AM
It should be brought to the attention of the teacher and the school that even if your child was not ADHD that you do not approve of the humiliation approach. Degrading a child in front of classmates can be traumatising and even damaging for the long run of things. Children with ADHD often have struggles with self confidence and act out when they don't have the words to express how they feel. This teacher would have been right in asking her to repeat the work if in fact it needed it but, she should have handled it responsibly and respectfully. Respect is a big issue in this situation. She would have been upset in a reverse situation I am sure. 

Name: Angela | Date: Nov 23rd, 2005 5:45 AM
Get ready for a hell of a ride. My daughter has learning disabilities. She has been, has not been, has been, has not been diagnosed as ADHD or ADD. Depends on the day, depends on the Dr. Regardless, she has a difficult time in school. She is now 15 and each and every year is a challenge. There is not a year that goes by that I do not struggle with one or 2 teachers. Thankfully in 3rd grade they recognized her need for extra help and since then I've had the law on my side. However that being said, it's still not easy. High School is a whole new world, no special classes, every teacher has to be informed of limitations and special requirements (she actually has a document in her file that says she can stand up in class). My advice, arm yourself with every law there is, continue to stand up because you will never be able to sit down, fight for what her rights are because she does have them. And never, ever stop believing that you can make a difference. Because you will as long as you speak out, stay on top of them and never let them make you feel that you don't know what's best. Good luck. Angela 

Name: Brandy | Date: Nov 28th, 2005 9:09 PM
i had some trouble with my daughters teacher at the 1st of the year. alot of people don't believe in adhd and the frown upon it. i had a talk to the principal and it helped. is your daughter in counseling. if so get the consular to write a note and give it to the teacher. hope i could help. feel free to email me at [email protected]


Name: Brenda | Date: Dec 23rd, 2005 2:52 AM
I dont know where you live but there should be an organization that can give you a copy of your rights according to the Americans with disability act. There are federal laws you and this teacher should be aware of. Although dont be prepared for that to end the fight. Schools still balk at compliance. You may have to go high in your states public school governing body. Or even in the Government. Please let us know how it goes! 

Name: janie | Date: Dec 29th, 2005 4:39 AM
my 6 year old daughter has recently been screened for adhd and they said its a good chance she has it but they have to test her further. my daughters first grade teacher treated my daughter not as bad but similar to that , she is a very smart little girl,but just need extra help. we have determined that she is to far behind now because of her adhd and the teacher she had that she has to stay in that grade next year. i have been to the school also. you are right they make excuses and make you feel like it your fault. it is not yours or yours daughters fault. and the teacher should be handle for the thing she did to your daughter,. she is there to help and encourage her, not embrass and make her feel horrible over something she can not help. i hope everything works out for you and your daughter. 

Name: claire | Date: Jan 4th, 2006 8:16 PM
all i can say is that some teachers need to go back to college and retrain 

Name: shell | Date: Jan 6th, 2006 10:19 PM
ive not had that happen ,but i have a adhd child that the school dont want to help. but try parent partnership there great they will help you with all leagel stuff and even put together a case for you .you can get them trough your local coucil just ask for parent partnership.hope this helps good luck. 

Name: LA BEBE | Date: Jan 13th, 2006 12:07 AM

Name: jojowentbyby | Date: Jan 14th, 2006 9:24 PM
DD waqs in K and had these experiences. The problem was she was acting out and saying she was bored. She spent %90 of the day isolated and in time out. In first grade her teacher had no issues with her at all. They eveluated her and found her to have super high IQ. Writing is a hard task for my daughter now nine and homeschooled. I am not going to tell you to homeschool. If your child does not like the teacher and vice versa your child will not learn at all. Imagine going somewhere every day and being disliked by the person who is suppose to be incharge.Your daughter will learn in direct perportion to her relationship with the teacher. My daughter does have ADHD but she also performs 2-3 grade levels above where the school would have her. Writing has always been a hardship on her. I think there are just a lot of tired worn out teachers working in our schools who have lost all patients with kids. I am related to al lot of them. The school will always side with the teacher because they hired her. Keep on mind the teacher gets paid wheather your daughter loves or hates school. I remember not being able to learn from some teachers and being able to excell with others. Take a break go to barnes and noble get a coffee and read the book "Right Brained Child in a Left Brained World." it will help you navigate the school system and help your child learn. It will give you esteem building exorcises and adress each subject for all age levels. Don't buy it check it out of the library or just read it there and make notes. 

Name: jane | Date: Jan 17th, 2006 11:43 PM
just keep fighting and take it to a higher level 

Name: Kelly | Date: Jan 19th, 2006 12:24 AM
Hi! I am a parent of a 7 year old boy who has ADHD and I am also an elementary school teacher. I have been through what you are talking about sort of. My son takes forever to do anything in school, and it is very ti me comsuming for a teacher to have to keep on top of one kid and the rest of the class. But due to laws and all that jazz, the teacher is required to do all she can for your daughter, even if that means making variations in her work. For example if her knowledge of the work is not the issue but her being able to do all the writing, then instead of 10 sentences, have her do 5. This way it will probably take the same amout of time as everyone else, but she will have some sort of completion. This can be done with everything, but it is a lot of work and cooperation by you and the teacher. I would suggest that you meet with her and ask her what can we do to make it easier for my daughter and her, do she can feel better about herself in school. If you go in and attack (not a good word) the teacher, she may not be so accomadating. I might also involve the school psychologist in this meeting so you have another set of ears in the meeting. I wish you luck!!! 

Name: zoe | Date: Jan 19th, 2006 3:05 AM
im a 13 year old girl with add i can not speel very well so my teacher yells if your daughter feels the same way as me you should ask for a new teacher if poesibel but what ever you do do not take her away from her friend. 

Name: annie | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 3:09 PM
omg i had the same thing happen to my son .who was in kindergarten for the second time .his teacher threw his work i n the trash right in front of him . and i was very upset i had a meeting with the princible but nothing was done about it . she was a real b***ch ..any way he's now 8 years old and in 1st grade for the second time very upseting .......... 

Name: Emma | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 4:58 PM
Whoah! What an inconsiderate teacher how dare they humiliate your daughter like that that is so unfair! I would be so happy if my 6yearold could even concentrate to do that!! Luckily at my daughters school she is in a class of 22 and her teacher is just the opposite very helpful and understanding. She would be digusted at the treatment your daughter has received. Our thoughts are with you if you don't get a helpful response from the school go to the board of education in your state every child has a right to education no matter the situation. LOL 

Name: jina | Date: Jan 22nd, 2006 2:52 AM
does your daughter have an IEP? If so, how is she treated differently. My son has ADHD/ODD and I know it takes a ton of patience for me to deal with my son on a daily basis, he is on three different types of medication, but his behavior is pretty good at school although he has his bad days still, but I also dont like to make excuses for his when he is misbehaving, he still has to be held accountable. I have a very open line of communication with his teachers and lucky for me, his teachers are wonderful. Also, all of his teachers have been great and sometimes I am surprised at their patience. Im sorry if I havent helped but I know alot of parents who let their kids get away with anything and blame it on the diagnosis but they still have to be held accountable for their actions. I also have a son with a syndrome and we dont use that for an excuse either. We treat him the same as our other boys and because of that he is farther ahead than he should be. I hope I have been helpful, sorry if I havent. 

Name: Blessed | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 7:13 AM
I have had the same problem with my son. School is not designed for children with "problems". You have to go in there and tell them what you expect from them. You need to work on an IEP program which stands for Individual Education Program. By law they have to help make the situation basically workable. I know for us he takes medication during the day to help him concentrate while he is at school BUT that doesnt mean he still doesnt have a hard time. They in turn lessen his amount of homework and gives him silly putty to hold on to and roll around. They sit him away from everyone else so that he is not distracted and he is ok with that. 

Name: emt71 | Date: Feb 12th, 2006 4:27 PM
Wow that id just not right. I would go right to the top and complain about that teacher maybe she needs a class on how to deal with childern that have disabilties. She shouldn't be teaching at all. My husband would of been ripping to the extent the cop's would come if that ever happen to my son. He would difently have that teacher crying. 

Name: rich | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 2:08 AM
id file a complaint with the school board for unappropriate actions under special circumstances of an adhd child. they offer special help at our school and a class where my child goes to each day for help and homework and such but id probably come unglued per your situattion. id not have been a very happy camper but this does not sound like normal school actions 

Name: Roy | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 4:22 PM
You should contact all the parents in the scool that have children with disabilites.If the scool is doing that to one thay could be doing it to them all.That is good for a class action lawsuit if thair are more then a couple with the problem. 

Name: amy | Date: Feb 21st, 2006 10:37 PM
Tracy.Hi i am amy from north carolina,My son blake is a 9yrs old little boy,very very smart i deal with the same problems that you deal with.I have alot of problems with blakes teacher,what i did was i got blake enrolled in having a ONE onONE worker with blake through out the day he is doing alot better now.There is alot of resources out there that we as parents know about.I took blake to the mental health department and thats where i found out about the one on one worker.It really helps blake he is able to do his work making very good grades and I dont have to worry about blake being singled out by his teacher and other school adults.I hope you can get the resources that you need.Thank you very much and best luck to you and your family[Amy 

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