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Name: mar22
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just wondered if anyone has sent their child to an adha camp and if so was it a success.Can you get it funded through the government at all?
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Name: JJJWKT | Date: Dec 2nd, 2006 6:55 PM
No, I haven't ssent my son..nor I have heard of it 

Name: Angelgirl | Date: Dec 6th, 2006 5:23 AM
Hi, I haven't send my daughter to one yet. I am looking into it.
I'm trying to find a scholarship to pay for it. When I find one I'll post it. I think it's a good idea since these professionals know how to handle these disorders. It's very difficult. I have two kids with ADHD/ODD and I too have ADHD, go figure.

There's got to be some funding out there somewhere. If not, all of us parents of children with ADHD and adults with ADHD should push congress to pass a bill for the government to pay for ADHD schools and camps.

What do you think? 

Name: flare2005 | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 2:48 PM
Hi mar22....not sure where your from..but I'm from ontario canada...I've never sent my son to an ADHD camp, but he has gone to summer camps...I get ODSP(ontario disability support program) for him and they give $200 every summer for summer camp to help cover the cost. The camp he goes to is for a week so the cost is $200 so it dosen't cost me anything...we have to drive him there and pick him up...but if you do hear of adhd camps please post it...I haven't heard of any. 

Name: mar22 | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 4:31 PM
im from ontario canada as well and ive been looking for adhd camps on the net and have located several in the states. they are very expensive but look very rewarding for our children im trying to figure out if i can get funding some how. i believe i have located one in alberta but im not sure id have to relook the net again. just look under adhd camps and let me now what you think maybe the idea of getting parents to push congress to pass a bill is a great idea. i truly would love to send my son to one of the camps i do feel it would better is life experiences and also help with summer routines while out of school. flare2005 what part of ontario you from? i have acsd funding as well and it is used for a behavioural support to come to my home and for emergencies as well. What about you?angelgirl i agree about the bill maybe we should seriously think about this.thanks to all until we chat again mar22 

Name: flare2005 | Date: Dec 7th, 2006 8:31 PM
Hi mar22...I'm in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario...what is acsd...I've never heard of that....I've tried for the disability benefit through child tax benefit but his Dr won't sign the papers....the ontario learning disabilities association, a lady there said probably because his Dr. is a medical Dr. and some of them don't recognize ADD, ADHD...etc as learning disabilities....my son was sent home from school today cause he flipped over another students desk, these kids were calling him gay and mental and they are still at school...so when I called the principal back and told him I want documentation on what happened and why he was sent home and why the other kids remained there he told me my son wasen't suspended but because of his temper it would be better..I told him that is verbal and mental abuse, harassment and bullying and he basically told me I was over doing it...that's how it is for him...kids tease and bother him to get him angry and the school sends him home and they remain there..What kind of message are they trying to get across to them? Is it just me...am I over reacting...this makes me so mad... 

Name: mar22 | Date: Dec 8th, 2006 1:37 AM
hi flar2005 acsd is assistance for children with severe disabilities witch is the odsp program. if you call the odsp office and ask for the acsd forms they will send them to you and you can fill them out yourself, instead of waiting on the doctor to. i recieve the funding to help pay for pull ups and for the behaviouralist. ive nown people to try to get this for tutors and support workers for after school hours you should try to call. good luck. website www.mcss.gov.on.ca toll free# 1800 789 4199. as for the school dealing with your sons behaviour i feel that yes his temper is wrong but name calling is no better, all kids should have been sent home what message are they giving the other kids? its almost saying its okay to bully but if you react to bulling your wrong that is messed up. your son should have consequences for his behaviour aswell as the other kids for theres. so no i do not feel your over reacting. the school needs to come up with a plan to deal with these things appropriately. good luck and hang in there just let your son know his feelings are okay but to through desk are inappropriate, and also let him now that what the other kids did where inappropriate and bullying is never acceptable. its hard for our kids not to react because they are so impulsive. teachers need to pay more attention on facts than the behaviour, not that im saying its okay to through fits but if the time was taking too understand what has lead up too the melt down than maybe it could be avoided next time with quicker resolutions. bye for now mar22 

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