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Name: Wendy | Date: Jul 11th, 2007 1:54 AM
My son is 5 years old and he has ADHD. He is on medication and it worked for approx. a month and then it stopped working...I have been researching every kind of disorder for my son since he about a year old. My son was running when he was seven months old and has never stopped. He goes into tantrums in which he turns animal like...no one can control him at that point. I am not one of those parents who say they tried everything and nothing works, when really they half ass tried and it was too hard so they just stopped trying. I have really tried everything...I have fought for my son...I have him evolved in so many programs to help him...my problem is at am at a stand still...I am finally lost...I am not sure how to control him...we are a very strict family...we expect alot from our two boys...they know the rules...we are consistent but yet he still acts crazy...
people look at him when he's acting crazy and they think there is something wrong with him...I need alternatives... 

Name: mar22 | Date: Jul 13th, 2007 3:08 AM
wendy where are you from? my son had similiar problem and is over coming it. i meean he use to flip my table over at age six and now hes seven and doesn't lay a finger on me or flip my table over. i would like to give you info, but if were are from opposite ends of the world the services will be different. 

Name: forest | Date: Jul 21st, 2007 8:12 PM
what do you mean bby that? i am a young man at uni that has had adhd all of my life really. i dont think there is much a parent can do it is all in the child!!!! 

Name: Nicky P | Date: Aug 13th, 2007 11:50 PM
I have found with my 7 1/2 year old who ids ODD as well is that talking to him & removing the TV program that he likes you have major confrontation at first but then it works. I have found you tht if you take away something that they like e.g. toy, dirt bike they don't seem to care as they find their own amusement & give what ever was taken away to you. Treat them with the age grop they act mine is like a 13 year old. Then show them that you love them but the punishment still stays. I have been to hell & back & now starting to understand how he ticks. 

Name: hi | Date: Nov 14th, 2007 9:41 PM
spank em 

Name: Teacher | Date: Jan 16th, 2008 2:36 PM
Hurting is NOT a good sign. Find ways for him to get his feelings out in a safe way (art projects? Sports? Music?) and make it clear that when someone/something is hurt the action is SERIOUS. 

Name: DAKODA | Date: Jan 20th, 2008 3:40 PM

Name: meckleberry | Date: Jan 21st, 2008 3:57 PM
we have a really hard time w/this ourselves. My husband, a police office/former Marine has his way and then there is mine. Of course my husband, I believe dont understand why he just cant listen the 1st time and is very strict on him. I am strict as well but I also know if I give him an inch he will take a mile. I am much more understanding w/him though. You sure can tell if he doesnt take his medication though. Basically "time out" works for us better than anything else but not just the typical time out. We dont allow anything w/over stimulation for a very long time, ie video games/tv/computer. He is a wiz w/legos and that is the best alternative for him to get out this extra energy. But we often have to take them away from him as well. I personally think it's an individual circumstance basis what works. 

Name: elizabeth | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 2:19 PM
TO all parents out there with adhd children respect to you all and keep up the good work your rewards will come. my son is getting his asses in july, he is 5 and hard work but i am lucky he does sleep well at night. ADHD can be scary at times and can get you down but there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Name: E | Date: Mar 12th, 2008 2:23 PM
the worst thing you can do to aan adhd child is to spank them this is abuse 

Name: Jennifer | Date: Apr 6th, 2008 2:25 AM
No I never get results i think it is a winless war!!! 

Name: terri38 | Date: Apr 17th, 2008 4:16 PM
I have a son 6 yrs old, he was resently diagnosed w/adhd. I knew for a while something was wrong...daydreams, short attention span, peer relations...etc. After trying theraputic methods (helped but not enough) now the doc. feels he needs meds, I agree, but the father doesn't. Yet, he rather spank him and send him to the room all weekend and tell my son he is uncontrollable, don't know what more to do for you. I on the other hand talk to my son, I make sure its quiet (to have full attention)...when he does wrong, ex:he refuses to get dress for school, of course, I got tired of telling him over/over, so I told him he'll just go in his pj's, he didn't believe me, we started out the door w/him in his pj's...then he begged me to give him 2 mins to put his clothes on (he did it). Ex: he refuses to eat something I cooked he asked for, I save it only for the nite, he'll try to sneak a snack, I take it and hand his dinner to him...each time he tries to get the snack. Finally, now he knows I mean bsiness and eats all or a good portion of his dinner (he likes his snacks). I also, talk with him every nite (we call it pillow talk) how his day was, if there are any problems...etc. I listen to him, and I do try to give him the benefit of doubt, brfore I lecture or punish. The methods I do are consistent in most ways, but new things comeup and you have to find the best way to work with it. To be honest it seems to work, my son is not bad! He makes mistakes and I can see in his sweet face that he tries but he doesn't even know why. I'm fair to him, most of all, I give him respect and I know he respect me...because I'm not critical. He listens to me fairly well, now since he turned 6, our new rule became, 1 time, means I will not repeat myself, if you don't listen...you will have a toy taken away for x amount of time...depends on what he has done.
Any help or advice anyone can give, I'll gladly take. We don't know it all nor do the researchers....more everyday.
I am hoping with the love and patience our children get from us and the help from the doctors, they will outgrow it or have it better controlled for their future life. This is a hard thing for them as well as us, but they are stuck with it and deal w/it everyday.
Thank you! 

Name: ggfb | Date: Jun 1st, 2008 3:15 PM

Name: Grandma aka Grammy | Date: Sep 25th, 2008 9:24 PM
The word is discipline

Check out the information on the internet about the overuse of drugs to medicate kids. If you can find a place to help you to get them off sugar, food additives and dyes. The medical profession now recognizes that a lot of discipline problems originate from diet.

Do not use violence if you are not getting the results you want. If you do that is what your child will do as an adult to solve their problems. This can lead to bullying and/or prison later on in life.

Do not yell, use foul language or threats, this will play itself out on the schoolyard. Your child will, at best become an angry withdrawn loner, at worst a BULLY (especially if you also use violence).

Tell your child once "you will be put in the quiet corner" and carry it out. If you are at a restaurant, visiting, etc., make it the car, a washroom or the street. If possible get one adult to sit in the car, outside, etc., with the child while other family members enjoy their meal. 1 minute per year age of child. NO CHILDREN under the age of 2.

If there is only one of you then the child must not be left in the car get the food to go and make the child go to the quiet corner at home. If you can not go home find a park bench, mall table, somewhere for the other children to enjoy their dinner while the other child waits.

A sorry from the child is a must. A clear statement of why the child had to wait needs to be given, IN A SYMPATHETIC TONE as you want the child to understand it is not (his/her) problem that he/she messed up, but your inability to train them earlier.

Your child will have a clear picture of the consequences of his/her behaviour, learn how to deal with problems as they arise in later life when they must make the decisions, and love and respect you all the days of their lives for showing them how to be a kind, caring individual, and eventually a firm but loving parent themselves. 

Name: Grandma aka Grammy | Date: Sep 25th, 2008 9:35 PM
Oh, one of the most exciting findings is that ADHD can be directly attributed to sugar and food additives.

When I was raising my children we did not have this term but my eldest definitely had it. I got him off the sweets, processed foods and the symptoms went away within 3 months. It is more work but better not just for the child but the whole family. And it doesn't take that long to throw a chicken, carrots, potatoes, celery, organic chicken stalk, parsley, ginger and whatever other veggies you have in a slow cooker(forget the salt) so when you get home you just serve and enjoy your time together.

For dessert, while you are eating throw some cored apples with cinnimon and honey into the oven at 375 for a heathy dessert.
A slow cooker is an excellent way to save the hassle associated with dinner after work when tempers are short and people are tired.

Most of all love your children the way you would want to be loved and remember if you are exhausted from your day tell your child/ren I am sure that they will be far more willing to help than if you are yelling, threatening and just plain nasty with them because you where treated badly at work. 

Name: Grandma aka Grammy | Date: Sep 25th, 2008 9:40 PM
Oh, one of the most exciting findings is that ADHD and other discipline problems can be directly attributed to sugar and food additives.

When I was raising my children we did not have this term but my eldest definitely had it. I got him off the sweets, processed foods and the symptoms went away within 3 months. It is more work but better not just for the child but the whole family. And it doesn't take that long to throw a chicken, carrots, potatoes, celery, organic chicken stalk, parsley, ginger and whatever other veggies you have in a slow cooker(forget the salt) so when you get home you just serve and enjoy your time together.

For dessert, while you are eating throw some cored apples with cinnimon and honey into the oven at 375 for a heathy dessert.
A slow cooker is an excellent way to save the hassle associated with dinner after work when tempers are short and people are tired.

Most of all love your children the way you would want to be loved and remember if you are exhausted from your day tell your child/ren I am sure that they will be far more willing to help than if you are yelling, threatening and just plain nasty with them because you where treated badly at work. 

Name: Telma Raquel | Date: Dec 14th, 2010 2:22 AM
hi, my name is telma, and i have a adhd 11 years old boy. he is the most nice child. Very good behavior..sweet, nice boy...I got a divorce 6 years a go and I got married again, but now my husband do not understand my adhd son, and he believes he is a health boy and he is lazy, but this is not true. I realiza that my son really have adhd and we get in fight all the time because my husband do not agree the way I threat my son. Please someone can help me here?? thank you so much!!! 

Name: Aileen | Date: Aug 26th, 2011 3:11 PM
Not wirking 

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