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Name: malki
[ Original Post ]
you didnt respond to my question on my aduld ADHD post and im still wondering what medication your taking so please get back to me
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Name: taybry | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 12:39 AM
Sorry, I'm taking Concerta 54mg. It really seems to help me focus pretty good. I'm a lot less quick to yell and scream or get really upset with the kids over silly things. It really evens my mood . With me having the same problems as my daughter it certainly helps me understand and work with her better. If you have any other questions or just want to talk , just email me at [email protected] 

Name: momOFthree | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 9:45 PM
taybry, it's interesting to me to have someone older to ask who's taking Concerta. My daughter is almost 5 and does not yet understand how the pill makes her feel. You say it evens your mood, I notice that it makes my daughter moody, especially when she's eaten any sugar. Would be able to explain in a little more detail how it makes you feel? Anything would be appreciated so I can understand a little better how my daughter feels. Thanks. 

Name: taybry | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 6:02 PM
Momofthree- I woudn't say it works perfectly . Im a lot calmer, but I do notice that my feelings get hurt more easily or maybe I'm more sensitive. It depends on how my day has gone, if something bothers me during the day . I guess there is a little bit of depression . I'm not sure if that is a side effect but , we both have our doc appt tomorrow and I will ask about that. But you know meds affect people differently. I would say if your daughter is very sensitive it def may alter those feelings or magnify them. I will be trying my daughter on the Daytrana patch after tomorrow, in my opinion the time release is not quite as effective as I would like it to be, also I'm very unhappy with her total lack of appetite. I would suggest you be open to trying different meds and keeping a journal of her behavior once they take effect. Length of times they last. Maybe have her draw you a picture of how she feels, because sometimes kids her age can't articulate exactly how it affects them. Please let me know if this helps any. 

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