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Name: momof1
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What is the studipest thing you have ever done? :)
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Name: momof1 | Date: Sep 25th, 2006 3:09 PM
ok... I finally going to admit this after many years...All of this happened when I was 13. My mom had these dainty teacups that she had bought in England. And I was not allowed to use them. Well one day I did, and I dropped the cup, and the handle broke off. I was so scared of what my mom would say, so I found the super glue, and I was going to glue the handle back on.
I couldn't get the top of the glue, so I put it in my mouth and tried to twist the lid off. But what I didn't realize the lid was already off. And while it was in my mouth, I sqeezed super glue in my mouth, and I glued my mouth shut.
My mom came home, and when she realized that what had happened, she took me to the hospital. And while we were there she told EVERYONE what had happened. So the moral of my story 1..to do not try to open a glue package with your mouth, and don't mess with mom's tea cups. HEHE :) 

Name: 2poms4us | Date: Sep 25th, 2006 6:18 PM
Momof1- that is too funny! Love that story.

Name: ohiorosejanelleres | Date: Sep 25th, 2006 8:10 PM
Thursday I was at the dog park with my two boxers and I was running with them. I have a 2nd degree sprain!
Ouch! dumb...lol

Janelle-waiting to adopt :) 

Name: momof1 | Date: Sep 25th, 2006 8:30 PM
i hope your ankle feels better soon. :) 

Name: califadoptee | Date: Sep 25th, 2006 9:31 PM
I had purchased some dress shoes which I liked so much, I purchased 1 pair in black and 1 pair in navy. Sometimes I'm dressing early in the morning when it's still dark out and lighting isn't good while dressing. When I arrived at work I discovered that I had one of each color on! 

Name: codyjody | Date: Sep 26th, 2006 2:24 AM
I walked into the mens bathroom, went potty in the stall, walked out, turned to the left to wash my hands.....HHHMMMM that looks like a urinal........Turned around just in time for a man to walk in....YUP......I laughed so hard I cried! NO, it was not at a bar...It was at the court house! 

Name: momof1 | Date: Sep 26th, 2006 2:34 AM
Cody that is hilarious...LOL 

Name: AMC | Date: Sep 26th, 2006 1:19 PM
hahaha mom and jody!! those are hilarious!! I super glued my eye shut once! I grabbed super glue instead of eye drops for my contact lense. That was painful!!! and scary!!

Hmmm...the funniest silly thing I ever did was when was 12 and I was with my g'ma. We we at the mall and I had to go potty and I had a dress on. I went to the bathroom, then we continued shopping about 15 minutes later someone finally had the guts to come up and tell me my skirt was stuck in my panties! I thought my g'ma was gonna pee her pants! We laughed sooo hard!!! That's my silliest but funniest moment with my g'ma. 

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