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Name: momof1
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What would you do if you won the lottery? I saw this topic on another site, and I thought it was a good one.
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Name: momof1 | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 5:19 AM
If I won the lottery this is what I would do:

give 10% to my church
pay of my house
set up a trust and college fund for my son
go visit my mom in germany (First class all the way)
and if the amount was alot... I would like to open a home for unwed and single mothers. A place were they could come and know love and understanding. No matter matter what their situtation was! 

Name: Carolyn | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 5:25 AM
I would :

Adopt 3 or 4 more children, donate to my Church, donate to orphanages in Eastern Europe, create nest eggs for my son Andrew and my two nieces, college funds for all of them, & buy them houses when they get married.

I would also buy a gorgeous ski house in Beaver Creek, CO (our favorite ski destination), and a Corvette for my hubby.


Name: ohiorosejanelleres | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 5:46 AM
Pay off all Debt- Mortgage, Car, College Loans, Credit Cards...
And do the same for our parents. Set up College Funds for our nephew and our "to be" child.


Name: Pattyjb | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 6:51 AM
First off, I do not believe the LDS church would accept the monies I would try to give from gambling. Guess I would pay off our house, no I would sell this one and buy a bigger one. New cars for hubby and for me, then adopt from international, Haiti perhaps a couple of tiny girls. Invest the rest of the money to give us income for life, and trust funds set up for each child. I don't know that I would just want to hand a child money, they need to know how to develop their own skills and talents and how to earn their own way, that is how they learn. 

Name: nikkiandrob | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 12:07 PM
I would pay for 24-hour nursing care for my grandma so she can be home, pay off all of our bills and set up college funds for our children-to-be.
We've also talked about donating a large chunk to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, which I'm sure we would do.
Then we'd take our parents for a major vacation. 

Name: califadoptee | Date: Sep 27th, 2006 8:35 PM
I think the big "elephant in the room" is that people are avoiding saying that they'd spend more money on their adoption efforts - so I'll say it!

There are plenty of other things that I would also do like pay off our mortgage, buy lovely gifts for family, donate to charity, etc. But I'd love to be able to feel more free to spend it without all the stipulations or barriers towards our adoption efforts. Even though we are financial stable, we'd rather save up our money to our child-to-be's education ,etc. Any money make this whole process icky! Especially those who have been scammed out of their money.

I think momof1 had a great idea about a home for expectant and bmoms. Some states have wonderful resources for expectant and bmoms, but not all. There should be a safe and supportive place, in every town, for these women to stay during a very challenging time. 

Name: codyjody | Date: Sep 28th, 2006 6:01 AM
Well, first, I would call Cody's company and tell them he will be taking a LONG vacation....He has not had a day off, since Collin was in the hospital......

I Would take our whole fam on a vacation...Even the family members we don't get a long with.... LOL!!!!

I would find a great big house and turn it into a house for families that are in need...There are a ton of them here in AZ. It gets soooo hot here in the summer, they die living on the streets.

I coud stay up all night thinking about all this! ehehehehehe.... 

Name: erica1 | Date: Sep 28th, 2006 5:40 PM
Oh what a nice dream! Pay off debts, take a wonderful vacation, make some donations, help out some family members, tuck some away for the future. Have a party!


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