Hello, guest
Name: Mrs. A.M.
[ Original Post ]
I want you to all know that this forum is not a place to "pick up" a birth mother....this is supposed to be a place to find out about the adoption laws in your state, what a birth mothers rights are, to talk about the adoption process and share all of your stories and know none of you are alone.
It's sad to see so many responses to a Birth mothers post.....it just scares them away 9 out of 10 times. I want you couples to know that the very best way to bring a child home is to go through your state and local agencies. Or go to an adoption attorney. Trying to find a Birth mother online is really not the very best way to go most of the replies are scammers. Please don't think I am being harsh because I am in the same place as all of you. I just think you should all try your state agencey. And yes we are working with our state too. Yes it can be heartbreaking sometimes.....but no more than being led on to thinking you are going to bring a child home and then to find out it was all a sick and twisted prank.
To the actual Birth mothers that come here just looking for some support in their choice I hope everything turns out well with your adoption's. If you get too many responses just post a mesg saying so....or limit to a number say the first 6 will get a response and unless they don't work out thats all you can handle right now.
I wish each and everyone of you a happy ending.
Your Name


Your Reply here

Name: To Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:12 AM
So are you the person who created this forum???

Is that why you know exactly what should and should not be posted on here???

Are you the new moderator here???

Have you been told by a birthmother that she was scared away by all the responses she recieved from this board???

Please don't think I am being harsh, but I just think you should not tell everyone else what to say or not to say. If working with your state agency is working so much better, then you should already have a baby taking up your time.

Many, many people have found their matches online, so --do your research-- !!! 

Name: ????? | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:22 AM
Its so funny to see that you posted a reply on here to one of the birthmoms saying that you had emailed her.

Whay are YOU emailing birthmoms and telling us that it is wrong because we will scare them away??????

If your trying to make yourself look good, its NOT working!!!! 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:26 AM
No I am not.....and no I'm not a mod. but if you can read....right there on the adoption page right up in the right hand corner it tells you exactly what is supposed to be going on here. And yes in fact I have had several tell me they were so overwhelmed with responses that it freaked them out and 2 have told me that couples have offered them cash money for their babies.
And last of all...If you can post and be rude you can leave your OWN name instead of to mrs. A.M. And by the way....I never said that sate was the best.....I only said to try your state.....and I am aware that many adoptions have happened online....but not anywhere near to matching the number of scams and fakes. 

Name: mom | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:28 AM
Yea, i saw where Mrs. A.M. was chasing a birthmom on the forum named "Need advice, first match failed." She was the first post!!! She has no room to be talking here!!!! 

Name: to ?????? from Mrs. A. M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:32 AM
I had emailed her to answer her questions which was why she had posted here I do beleive. I am not trying to make myself look good I'm just tired of seeing couples and Birthparents being hurt because an overwhelming response to an ad or post. It doesn't help when they come in and see all those hateful and hurtful remarks and of course it doesn't make them feel secure that no one wants to leave a name when they are being that way...so how do they know you they are talking to? How would you feel to be thinking of adoption and come in here and see such disrespectful remarks. Would you want to those people to have your child? 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:35 AM
You guys are too funny...do you know what I said to her in the email? No you don't....you have no idea what we talked about or when. 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 3:40 AM
Ok...go on doing what your doing.....cause from what I have read not a single one of you have had any luck through here.....All I was trying to do is point out that if we maybe change it back to what it was intended to be...then maybe there would be more pos. results for everyone. But just keep doing what you are all doing making all those witty comments and such Maybe one day it will work. And even though I was jumped on for just making a point I still hope all of you have the very best of luck in your own situations. 

Name: Hi | Date: May 21st, 2006 4:06 AM
Thank you for your well wishes, Mrs. A.M., but don't be crowing too much about posting with your name and crawling on the people who don't. Your name can be anything at all, and there is absolutely no way to prove who anyone is by what is typed in the Name: space. Any one person could post a hundred times in the same thread and have a hundred different names! So who really cares if your name is Hi, To Mrs. A.M., Me Again, ????, etc. You posting as Mrs. A.M, doesn't really tell us anything! We have no idea if you are married, if your initials are AM or if you're even a woman!! (and as for the little paragraph at the top of the forum...I'm sure we've all read it, but it was only a suggestion to get people started with their chats and obviously the persons who started this board, don't care much about what people chat about, as this board is totally unmoderated.)
P.S. (maybe you should offer to be the moderator! There might not be anyone really posting anymore if you get 'hired', but oh well...) 

Name: To Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 5:05 AM
We don't care about what you have to say here or on any other forum. If you don't like the way we aparents are going about finding a bfamily don't follow suit. If you don't like the way things are done around here -- get lost, we won't miss you!! You've shared your two cents now you can go. 

Name: To Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 5:31 AM
Who really cares if no one has found a match here yet????

Have you never heard the phrase, "There's a *first time* for everything."

I am usually a very easy going person, but I get quickly fed up with people like you who like to tell others what to do, but they are there doing the very thing they are telling everyone else not to!

It only makes you appear selfish - (not saying you are) but it just appears that you are trying to get other people to stop posting so you can have a better chance, because as a previous poster stated, if you don't like what the rest of the aparents on this sight are doing, then don't follow suit! Call your state agency and leave us to our own methods of pursuing our dreams.

And to let you know, the domestic programs in our state are *closed* for the year; they were closed already in March! I guess we don't all live in a state overrun with babies just waiting in the state program! We have to turn to other sources and the internet in a place that almost everyone has immediate access to! What better place to spread the word that we are waiting to be parents through adoption? Don't run down the ones of us using the internet, when you are *obviously* using it too!!! ......isn't that kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face??????........

OH, and one last thing! Many, many, many matches fail due to scammers, change of heart, etc. etc. through agencies also! There is no safeguard against that anywhere. Many people have lost large amounts of money, time and emotion in their match(s) through their expensive agency! 

Name: April | Date: May 21st, 2006 8:22 AM
MMMM....it seems to me that she struck a nerve with many people. You guys can all deal out the trash but can't seem to take it when anyone actually makes a little sense on here. I'm sure she is just like the rest of us looking for that woman who can give them the gift of a child. But there is such a thing as too desperate. When you can fire back at a person who was only trrying to make things a little better for all of us...then what does that make you? I'm ashamed of this board. And I have to agree...there is a list of names the birth mothers can look at but I think we should all just share our stories and get to know each other...get sum support. Be able to talk about what we have been through and what we are looking at now. Instead of punishing people who throw out idea's. 

Name: What's with you people? | Date: May 21st, 2006 8:35 AM
I swear I have never seen so many people who have no regard for others or are open to new idea's. How closed minded and petty you people are. They ought to just shut this whole forum down if this is all that's going to go on. 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 1:45 PM
Well praise the lord .....someone has seen the light. Thank you for your support. At least one person here has an open mind about making this a better place for all birth mothers and adoptive couples. 

Name: 0:-) | Date: May 21st, 2006 1:58 PM
Alot of people looking to adopt are pretty much on a search. It's terrible about the pranks, but usually theres going to be a few let-downs. Trying to find a b\m or an adoptee online is rather difficult and there are so many nuts out there that we all have to be cautious abot. Good luck to everyone, and be carefulllllllll!!! 

Name: To A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 2:40 PM
Your advice & truths I see caused some negative responses.... ignore the negativity, you are one of the few on here giving great advice. People can be so rude, but everthing you wrote is legit. Others on here need to be up-front as well. 

Name: Mrs. A.M. | Date: May 21st, 2006 2:43 PM
Thank you. And I agree with you 100%. 

Name: Kristina | Date: May 21st, 2006 5:11 PM
Why don't we all agree to disagree and stop reading between every single line looking for a tad of negativity? Who cares if people disagree with each other that's life. Read what you want and respond to the ones you think you can make a positive contribution to. I really want to see Aparents and Bparents on here telling success stories but if the entire board is full of critisism no one is going to trust anyone on here. I hope the atmosphere on these boards change and that we all find what we are looking for. God Bless. 

Name: Kristina... | Date: May 22nd, 2006 6:27 AM

Name: agree | Date: May 23rd, 2006 12:46 AM
read above this is very true 

Name: n.n. | Date: May 23rd, 2006 6:39 PM
You're just too much. i think everyones getting tired of you trying to run the show on every board in here,knock it off! 

Name: from n.n. to Mrs.A.M. | Date: May 23rd, 2006 6:41 PM
You are not superior to anyone stop acting as if you are ! 

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