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Name: Lovingwife0705
[ Original Post ]
My husband and I very much want to adopt. He's 24, a petty officer in the navy. He plans to stay in till he can retire, then take a teaching position. He goes out to sea for 2 months at a time, off and on for a few years. He's going into several years of shore duty. The military offers great healthcare at no cost. I'm a 22 stay at home wife who loves to cook, is learning to sew and like to do crafty stuff. We are animal people and take their health very seriously we have never given up an animal and spend a great deal of money pampering them. We have a 12 week old puppy who goes on 3 (yes 3! walks a day as he needs the exercise and we like to be active. Our youngest kitten was rescued as a one month old who's mother was ran over and was headed to the pound. We're almost debt free and working actively to save money for a down payment on a home. My parents currently live 2 hours away and would love very much to spoil a grandbaby. They (and us!) wouldn't treat a baby any differently if adopted then given birth to. We will provide a safe loving home filled with laughter and joy.
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Name: Lovingwife0705 | Date: May 6th, 2007 1:34 AM
Email is kelly679 @ hotmail.com 

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