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Name: evanlori
[ Original Post ]
I'm new to this and am praying that I was led here for a reason. My name is Lori and my husband and I have been trying to adopt. We live in Arkansas and fortunately for the children but unfortunately for us there aren't many available for adoption. We want another child - we have 1 miracle child who will be 4 in September. When I was a teenager I had some health problems that destroyed my reproductive system. I was told I would never have children. I have always wanted to have a big family. You know the saying "everyone was put here for a reason", well I was put here to be a mother. It's what I do best. When I met my husband I wanted a child so bad it physically hurt. I was turned to a miracle doctor by a friend. We went through years of surgeries, fertility treatments and miscarriages. Christmas Eve 2002 I got sick and blamed it on the food. Christmas morning I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant. It was amazing! I hurt all day and the next. When I went to the Dr. to be checked I was told I was pregnant w/ twins. A month later I was rushed to the ER severly bleeding. I thought I had lost both but I had only lost one. My daughter was a miracle from the beginning. We want nothing more than to give her a sibling. My sisters are my best friends and I couldn't imagine life w/o them. My husband and his sisters are so close - neither of us want our daughter to be an only child. We want another child to make our family perfect. Everytime I see siblings playing together I think of everything our daughter will be missing out on. My husband and I are very much inlove and always put our families first. We are financially stable, have a wonderful family on both sides that can't wait for a new addition, and have so much love to give. I think every woman that is strong enough to give her child up for adoption is an angel in disguise. There are so many women out here that can't/won't ever be able to have a child and if it wasn't because of angels than so many of us would never know the joy and love that comes from being a mother. I know i've rambled on and haven't really gotten to the point of my reason for posting this, even though i'm sure it's obvious. I am a 27, my husband is 32. We have a soon to be 4 year old daughter and a dog. We have a wonderful home, wonderful family & friends. We are searching & praying for a baby to adopt. I know this is always said, but I mean it when I say that we could give your baby an amazing life. I know this is a hard thing for you to go through, when I was a teenager my best friend put her child up for adoption, but it was the best thing she could do for her child and she has never regretted it. I would love to talk to some of you, even if it's just to talk and you've already placed your child with someone. I commend all of you for doing such a selfless act and giving your child a life and for answering so many peoples prayers.
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Name: wonteverbackdown | Date: May 31st, 2007 6:48 AM
There are alot of children to adopt what are you talking about? Go to social services, become a foster parent, accept more then the perfect white baby. Open your eyes there are millions of hungry homeless parentless children in the system! 

Name: evanlori | Date: May 31st, 2007 12:57 PM
We've been to social services, they're the ones that suggested we try to find a child on our own. Like I said, FORTUNATELY there aren't many in OUR system. We would take any child of any color or health, i said nothing about a perfect white baby. This site is supposed to be a place where people are helpful and supportive. I know there are millions of hungry homeless parentless children but every state has different adoption/foster laws. 

Name: tattudemom | Date: May 31st, 2007 1:46 PM
Anyone in any state can adopt (between states) through the foster care system. If your local DFCS told you anything different, they're full of it. That's why there is the ICPC [Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children] so that all states' laws are in accord when moving a child between the two. I've gone through the classes etc for foster/adoption through the state of Georgia, and we were told we could seek a child from any of the other states, and the system would ensure all laws/paperwork are done to the satisfaction of each state. As it turns out, we are tentatively matched with someone in a private situation, and the state would not be involved in that, but the ICPC would still apply even in private adoption.

You should really investigate further on this topic. I believe you've been misinformed if you thought you could only adopt locally. 

Name: Luann | Date: May 31st, 2007 2:06 PM
No tattudemom..evanlori is correct.

I too am a lisenced foster parent. I am lisenced thru the county. I can only accept placements thru my county..not my state..not another state.

It depends on who you are lisenced thru where you can get a child thru the foster care system. 

Name: tattudemom | Date: May 31st, 2007 2:46 PM
Well, sorry if I'm the one misinforming, but it's my understanding that they want parents for all the country's foster children, not just locally. That's why they have the sites to include kids from all states. I understand the counties wanting to place their own children first, but that should not discount children from other states should you find a match for yourself. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard considering the thousands of kids who need permanent placements and how they beg for good foster and/or adoptive folks. Where are y'all from if you don't mind sharing? 

Name: wonteverbackdown | Date: May 31st, 2007 5:14 PM
It is licensed not lisenced, shesh people. Also actually tattudemom is correct, foster parents can adopt from state to state that is the reason ICPC was first started, it certainly wasnt for private adoption since that was once not regulated. Look deeper into it, and I promise there are children all over for adoption, go to adoptuskids.org 

Name: wendy05 | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 5:40 PM
i think it's time for our redemption.i am a widow with three and
my husband passed out when the fourth was on it's way.with my little job i can't take good care of this baby.i believe my baby will get the deserved attention and love in your home if you guys will like to have my son as new parents.will be watin to give more info if you are interested.i think what i am doing is right cos i have three already and the klast being very young and demanding will not be priveoleged with all he deserves.if you gugz can help me ,then contact me ASAP

Name: Lynne Banks | Date: Jun 5th, 2007 8:30 PM
The current ICPC was drafted in 1960 and has been enacted by all states, the District of Columbia, and theU.S. Virgin Islands. It is the only public law in existence to ensure that children placed across state lines forfoster care or adoption are placed with persons who are safe, suitable, and able to provide proper care. Italso fixes legal and financial responsibility and responsibility for supervision and the provision of servicesfor the child. In other words, ICPC was implemented to halt black market adoptions.

Also, one can have a domestic adoption h/s and not be a foster parent and adopt through other states county services/children in foster care. 

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