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Name: lindalu
[ Original Post ]
This is a post I cut and pated from the father daughter relation ship topic and I do have to say this poster is a great example for the father daughter relationship. YOU GO DAD!!!!

Name: John Johnson • Date: 05/29/2008 13:55:54
I have two daughters, 15 and 12. I have an extremely affectionate and healthy relationship with both of them, as well as, with my wife. It is natural and healthy for Dads and daughters to cuddle and kiss. Holding hands, cuddling and kissing each other good night is something wonderful and innocent that I enjoy with my wife and my daughters. The sexual relationship I enjoy with my wife is very different. I find it difficult to understand where it is that you blur this line? I'm guessing, along with some of the other people here, that you are jealous and that he is not giving you the same attention. Tough luck. His daughter was there first and has been with him for at least 13 years. She is likely more important to him than you, as she should be. She's going to need a lot of attention, love and affection from him to make it safely through the teenage years. If he didn't feel a greater sense of responsiblity to her than you, then I would think there was something wrong with him. I When she goes to college, she will be on her own and you and your fiancee can start to become closer. If you can't handle that, you should leave and find a man without any kids. I feel sorry for the Dad's and daughters that aren't close.

If you are lost go back and read the topic labeled (Father Daughter Relationship)
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