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Name: Angi
[ Original Post ]
I am a mother Of 5, My 4th child is 2 Hes definitley Differant then My first 3 children, He doesn't communicate, with words, and he blurts alot screams and without fail, throws food, plates silverware, I have tried everything, He seems to not be able to control it. Hes like in his own world, I am so embarrassed in church. He wont let me hold him much. And its like hes on a sugar high from morning till he sleeps. My biggest question, How does a child get Diagnosed?
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Name: Rebecca | Date: May 2nd, 2006 9:43 PM
I am the mother of 4 children with twins on the way.I have a 7 year old little girl who sounds alot alike your son. She has improved alot. It was hell when she was a toddler. I can really relate to the church thing, still. She can't stand the idea that everyone is quiet. She thinks they are staring at her. Of course they only start to stare when she starts to scream. 

Name: Anne | Date: May 24th, 2006 5:25 PM
I think you know it, it's just hard to accept and much easier to hope it is something else. Don't wast time, get him to a proffesional for a diagnosis which may label him, but it will also make him eligible for early intervention service. As for the church thing...WWJD? I don't understand the whole judgement thing have anything to do with the heart of Christ. 

Name: Linn | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 8:50 PM
Hi Angi. Take your child to a specialist as soon as possible to be evaluted - if you can't find a specialist in the phone book ask your dr for a referral. If it is Autism get your child enrolled in a special ed program for preschoolers. There are several books available on Autism etc and they probably are available at your library. Best wishes 

Name: jacksmom | Date: Jan 28th, 2007 5:04 AM
Jack's story....

After the 12 mos. vaccines my son gradually slipped into autism. He was head-banging, hand-flapping, twirling, lost speech, lost eye contact and he just withdrew.

Now two years later.... no head-banging, no twirling, no flapping, has eye contact and is starting to verbalize again. And... he has Down Syndrome to boot. :) Yes... even kids with DS get autism. Actually they get it at a higher rate.

What helped him? First I give God praise.... our son wouldn't be here without Him and we prayed and I believe He guided us. Second... supplements. Especially cod liver oil. I recommend Green Pastures CLO with the X factor. Check out Dr. Mary Megson's work on the web. http://www.diet-studies.com/megson.html Our Jack healed gradually... but he is healing. I actually had to make myself GET USED TO him not twirling everything any more!

Also check out Dr. Amy Yasko's work. www.holistichealth.com

We give Jack alot of supps - cod liver oil, probiotic, magnesium citrate, tart cherry and recently we added cilantro. He takes some other things too but each child is unique. It helps to find a good naturopathic MD or chiropractor. Don't use supps until you research things for yourself. Cilantro for example...should possibly not be used until some other detox has been done.

Don't give up. There is hope! And... I will be frank here.... many mainstream doctors know squat about how to heal autism. Don't let that throw you. There are people who do know how to help. God bless you! Love, Jack's Mom :) [email protected] 

Name: ltl | Date: Feb 2nd, 2007 4:30 AM
Hi Angi, You really should get him evaluated by a specialist so that you can get him some early intervention therapy. He might be throwing tantrums because he cannot communicate... Early interventions really helps. 

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