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Name: gagirl5215
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Hi everyone, I have a 27 mo. old that has just been diagnosed with Autism. He can say a few words. As you probably know he used to be able to say 15 to 20 before his degression. The speech pathologist we are just beginning with is wanting him to learn sign language. Do you think this will hender him from having the motivation to want to speak or is it the right path???? Please Help if possible. Thanks!
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Name: mondo | Date: Feb 19th, 2007 6:36 PM
I don't think you can go wrong with ASL (in addition to spoken language)- as it seems to go often, the language disappears and frustration will set in becasue of the inability to communicate. Sign language will be very helpful in my opinion; my son lost his few words he had by age 3 and when sign language was introduced it was and continues to be (after many years- he is now 19 yrs. old) a great system for him to get his ideas and needs across to us.
Everyone is unique but I have not heard of any negative effects of ASL and Autism.
Good luck. 

Name: gagirl5215 | Date: Feb 20th, 2007 3:13 AM
Thanks Mondo! IF you don't mind me asking what are some of the techniques that you have used with you son over the years that you would recommend that maybe helpful to me in the future? 

Name: ltl | Date: Feb 20th, 2007 3:24 AM
Hi gagirl5215, from the sources I've read and several speech pathologists that I spoke to encourages sign languages. They said that often time sign language and learning to speak are interelated...in other words, for some kids, sign language helps them learn to speak rather than detering them to speak. 

Name: gagirl5215 | Date: Feb 20th, 2007 3:37 AM
That is what the speech pathologist also said when I voiced my concern. I just know that my son will sign a couple of things already but will not dare to say them. On the other hand he will say some other words consistently. Do you think since he is saying some words and not completely nonverbal that this would still be the best for him. Sorry- I'm just really afraid to do the wrong thing at this point. 

Name: mondo | Date: Feb 20th, 2007 6:43 PM
Autism has been a question mark since it was given a name and every child is different in the symptoms they display and though several present with similar behaviors, their personalities will dictate their response I think.. distressing phases come and go (that is the good thing becasue when you think the worst has happened, it will pass and then another difficult phase will appear)- but we have learned from each one: sign language, praise when good behavior or actions are displayed, exercise and inclusion with family events and social activities (wether his presence is passive or chooses to sit ina corner all alone) seem to have been helpful in letting him know he is loved and that he has a place in society like everyone else. It is diffiucult but worth the work, a special gift from God given to special parents or perhaps given to us to teach us something we lacked or would have missed in this life had they not been sent to us in this special way. God works in mysterious ways to bring us closer to Him....:) 

Name: ltl | Date: Feb 21st, 2007 5:28 AM
Hi gagril5215, my son will be 3 next month, and the school that i've just enrolled him in are so thrilled that he can speak some words as oppose to being nonverbal. They were so encouraged because they know that they can "expand his vocabulary with persistent work". So far, my son is picking up new words slowly. Gagirl5215, your son is only 27 months old and is verbal before regression, be encouraged and get him with a speech therapist and continue to work hard in getting him to communicate, both verbally and through sign language, and his speech will come back. My son didn't say one single real word until he is 29 months old...yours already saying some...and now, my son is saying new word every week or so...just hang in there and definitly get some speech therapy for him. 

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