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Name: nate's mom
[ Original Post ]
My son Nathan is nonverbal,we have been tested,evaluated and everything else.With no diagnosis,he was evaluated by a neurologist last summer and she said he was not Autistic.He goes to spec-ed preschool for about 7 to 8 months now where he receives speech therapy with little to no improvement. His behavior is very close to out of control especially with me,but yet his dad can control him alot better than I can.Is it possible for an Autistic child to change behaviors with certain people?He smells EVERYTHING he will smell his clothes before he puts them on he puts his hands in his pants and smells his handsjust about anything some days he'll smell everything and others barely nothing?! and will gag on certain odors(we can't even walk into a chinese restraunt) bannanas,season salt,pickles,well water, playdoh etc....I had a hard time potty training him at 3 1/2 but he got in 2 DAYS no acciedents at night or through out the day!!!! He also sees a speech therapist once a week for 30 mins. and she says that it is point less to continue with out seeing a behavior therapist first because his attention span is about a minute or 2 and then he would rather just throw whatever they are working with either at somebody or in the air.we are getting reevaluated in july and never had a study pediatrician because I keep changing pushing, fighting for answers, so no one has reallly gotten the chance to know Nathan or our family these dr. are stupid I some times wonder how the got their M.D. I lve in East Chicago IN if any one has info ,similar situation or just about anything. I'd love some help.
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Name: nate's mom | Date: Jun 22nd, 2006 5:40 AM
hello is any one hearing me!!??? 

Name: rain | Date: Jun 22nd, 2006 7:22 AM
try http://groups.msn.com/AUTISMCHATANDSHARE
You can chat here with other moms
I hope this is helpful 

Name: jody | Date: Jun 22nd, 2006 1:20 PM
take him to a psycoligist because they might be able to help better.that is where im taking my daughter she is 6 and still pees her pants,she also likes to smell everything she has not been diagonosed yet either so dont feel bad.hang in there someone will help.i called a psyc and he is really wanting to see her thats why i if i was you i would try that route sometimes going it alone is alot better,its very frustrating i know i have been dealing with this for 6 years with no answers i always thought she was just a brat and hated me.you can email me if u would like to talk directly and exchange symptoms ok my email is [email protected] ok talk soon. 

Name: seal | Date: Jun 22nd, 2006 6:52 PM
Dear Nate's Mom,
I am a speech-language pathologist and it seems as though your little guy has several issues going on. Maybe not quite autism but along the spectrum. Learn more about Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Sensory Disorders and get a referral to a speech-language pathologist & occupational therapist to evaluate your son. It is really hard for me to give you definite answers without seeing your son but I can tell you need help immediately! Feel free to email me [email protected] I will do my best to help you in anyway I can. Blessings! 

Name: jacksmom | Date: Jan 28th, 2007 5:17 AM
Jack's story....

After the 12 mos. vaccines my son gradually slipped into autism. He was head-banging, hand-flapping, twirling, lost speech, lost eye contact and he just withdrew.

Now two years later.... no head-banging, no twirling, no flapping, has eye contact and is starting to verbalize again. And... he has Down Syndrome to boot. :) Yes... even kids with DS get autism. Actually they get it at a higher rate.

What helped him? First I give God praise.... our son wouldn't be here without Him and we prayed and I believe He guided us. Second... supplements. Especially cod liver oil. I recommend Green Pastures CLO with the X factor. Check out Dr. Mary Megson's work on the web. http://www.diet-studies.com/megson.html Our Jack healed gradually... but he is healing. I actually had to make myself GET USED TO him not twirling everything any more!

Also check out Dr. Amy Yasko's work. www.holistichealth.com

We give Jack alot of supps - cod liver oil, probiotic, magnesium citrate, tart cherry and recently we added cilantro. He takes some other things too but each child is unique. It helps to find a good naturopathic MD or chiropractor. Don't use supps until you research things for yourself. Cilantro for example...should possibly not be used until some other detox has been done.

Don't give up. There is hope! And... I will be frank here.... many mainstream doctors know squat about how to heal autism. Don't let that throw you. There are people who do know how to help. God bless you! Love, Jack's Mom :) [email protected] 

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