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Name: Jen_Thrasher
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my 2 1/2 year old never sleep even taking clonidine
it does not seem to help he still only sleeps about 5 hours a night, and not the times i need him to sleep, i give him the meds now at midnight, in hopes i can sleep while he is, but by the time i clean up all his messes from the night, and clean up from dinner time, it's 2 or 3 am, and i still only get about 4 hours a night, and i have been draggin along for 6 months, with no relief, how long can a mom last at this pace? only time will tell, no family left to help me, my husband works 14 hours a day from 5 pm to 7 am, to make enough money to pay the bills while the medical bill keep mounting, anyone want to chat, e-mail me, or try me on aol instant message at screenname jendartpro,,, or yahoo at i play backgammon and canasta all the time to help keep my from going insane, lots of luck to everyone,,,, got to love them,,
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Name: staceykelley | Date: Oct 2nd, 2006 1:07 AM
my son would never sleep and i was afraid of meds but when i couldnt handle it any more i took him to the doctor and he prescribed him amitripyline i dont know if i spelled that right but it worked my son now goes to bed at 7pm and gets up at 6am that is the only meds my son is on and he has sever autism 

Name: melrosie | Date: Oct 2nd, 2006 5:34 PM
I am so sorry I know what its like . my son takes risperdol and now sleeps most of the time. we even tried melatonin...nope! I wouldnt worry about cleaning at all. I have had to live with health dept would be scared mess for awhile now. I have a 6,5, and 1 year olds. 

Name: Hemiola | Date: Oct 4th, 2006 2:06 AM
I'm so sorry you are finding things so difficult. I know routine is very important to these little ones. My daughter used to have a REALLY hard time falling asleep too..., and she didn't used to want anyone to hold her either. First check the obvious. Did he eat enough? Hungry will keep him awake. Is there too much noise in the house? Is it too bright? (We used to dim the lights and turn most of them off). Is he sick? Don't forget, he may not say anything. Mine didn't. Ear infection? Sick to his stomache? If everything checks out, then what we used to do was this: We had a little umbrella stroller. I sit her in the stroller and strap her in, even if she cried hard. Crying tired her out, remember, that's a good thing right now! Then I'd let her watch TV..., like Monster's Inc. or something "safe" - but not loud. Then I'd tilt the stroller, and bounce it on my knee. Constant. And that was key. If it stopped... even just a bit, we'd lose the effort. Sometimes, we had to keep going even for 10 minutes once she fell asleep. This takes some time and effort, but once it's done... it usually works. It worked for me..., I hope it does for you. 

Name: jo ann | Date: Oct 8th, 2006 12:11 PM
I'm going thru the same thing you'd think someone some where would come up w/a sedative for kid! at least now i don' have to worry about typos lol you know the feeling of your fingers not listening to your brain. or dr has my 4year old on imipine msp? clonidine right there w/ ya Jo Ann 

Name: lillie3 | Date: Oct 30th, 2006 3:02 AM
been there, done that, talk to your doctor about abilify, works for mine, now sleeps 8/10 hours a night, does your area have mental health services? Use them, get an aide if you can, we use wrap around 

Name: mardie | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 12:08 AM
hi jen, i totally understand how you feel, i have 5 kids and with one of them being autistic, he hasn't been sleeping much, i'm afraid of meds but if that is what it comes down too, well we need sleep, his doctor had me try benedryl and it was working but i think he's gotten used to it, so now it doesn't always work..now i just put up a gate in the hallway so my son (3yr) only has access to his bedroom where he stays up all night watching his movies, when they end he even replays them..but i have a camera in his room and pretty much sleep with one eye open so i can always keep an eye on him..it's really hard, but what keeps me strong is thinking, if its hard for me, i'm sure it's harder for my son..good luck! 

Name: clarissa5 | Date: Nov 13th, 2006 6:43 AM
Hi my name is clarissa. I also have a 3 and a hafe year old son with autism and also dont get much for sleep! you can email me if you like at [email protected] It will be great to talk to someone else with the same problems. hope to talk to you soon! 

Name: kelli callahan | Date: Jan 9th, 2007 6:51 AM
my 7yr old has a very hard time sleeping also she always hungry and hyper she has been on lots of meds they work for alittle while then its back to late nites 

Name: wendy.madhouse | Date: Jan 13th, 2007 8:36 PM
My autistic son used to stay awake until about midnight every night. After talking to his consultant she prescribed Melatonin. I can honestly say that this medication has been a life saver to us as a family. Melatonin is the natural hormone which regulates your body clock and lets you know when it is time to sleep. Children with autism often lack this hormone Therefore it makes sense to give them some to help regulate their body. I give this to my son before bedtime and nearly always he goes to sleep within half an hour and sleeps all night. Ask you doctor about this. 

Name: mtene5 | Date: Jan 14th, 2007 5:04 AM
I have a 4 yr old, 3 yr old, 2 yr old, 1yr old, and 5 month old and I am probably pregnant but not sure yet. Two of my children are autistic and have some trouble sleeping. I have never used medication for my children to get them to sleep. I keep my children active and awake during the day, limiting them to one nap a day until about two years old, except for my newborn of course. My husband works from 10 P.M. to 7 A.m. and then 8 AM to 4 pm at two full time jobs. I also have no family support because we are interracial and both families frowned upon us being together. I know it may break your heart but there are times when a mother has to put their child in a crib, leave the cartoons on, and close the door. I know that if I am too tired I cannot care for my children. I put them in their cribs or bed around ten each night and dad and me kiss them good night and I close the doors to their bedrooms. My little one sleeps in my room and she sleeps most of the night because her brother and sisters keep her awake during the day. I get about ten hours of sleep, sometimes broken up a little for a peepee in the bed or a bottle for the baby, but usually everyone will start waking at 7-8 am. And that is when I clean up to start a new day. I feel much better and refreshed in the morning and leave my house a mess at night. Try it for a week, just put him in a crib, you know he is safe, he may get mad and upset but I could not handle only five hours of sleep a night and still be able to take care of my kids. My kids do not cry when I put them in their rooms for the night. They are used to the routine but they certainly screamed the first couple of nights I did this. Good Luck. 

Name: littlecat | Date: Jan 17th, 2007 3:32 AM
my 4 yr old son never allowed me to sleep more than 5 hours per night, back when he was 2-3 1/2 yrs old, or so. His pediatric neurologist put him on risperdal, well..that didn't help either..except for in the daytime, he was kind of in a dreamstate. He has since been weaned off of the risperdal, and now, at age 4..believe it or not, he goes to bed at 7 p.m. and I have to actually wake him up in the morning for school (insert a huge sigh of relief here.) Every once in awhile, he stays awake playing in his room, but, he is usually asleep all night. Seems like him going to preschool 4 days a week from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. had alot to do with it, I think he gets tired out from a long day. 

Name: Kezz | Date: Jan 20th, 2007 11:05 AM
We have reluctantly just put our 5yo daughter on meds so we could get some sleep. She would sleep maybe 6hrs a night, but not all ot once. It gets too much. I found it harder to cope with things during the day and her being tired all the time made her sensory issues much worse. Anyway you know what i am talking about. We have put her on melatonin and she is asleep within 30 mins of taking it. It used to take us 2-3hrs of massages/compressions to get her to settle. She is on Amitryptyline as well for her anxiety plus it is also a sedative. We have just had 5 nights of between 10-12 hrs sleep and a child who is much more alert during the day. Bliss. 

Name: jacksmom | Date: Jan 28th, 2007 3:20 AM

Cod liver oil really helps.... not only the autistic brain but it also will boost any person's immune system. The healing is gradual. My son, has been healing gradually from ASD with CLO and other supps. There;s more Dr. Megson info on the web. Also check out Dr. Yasko at www.holistichealth.com. Love, Jack's Mom 

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