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Name: Kelly and Kenna
[ Original Post ]
Help, my little girl is 2 weeks old. She will eat well in the morning and then will scream for my breast every 30-45 minutes until the evening when she'll sleep about 3-4 hrs. solid. She will also kick her legs and cry as soon as I lay her down then the cycle starts all over again. Please help!
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Name: firewife | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 5:21 PM
Babies often "cluster feed"in the evening, before bed time its their way of storing for the evening. Is she gassy? Try waiting 10-15 minutes after shes asleep to lay her down, to ensure she is in a deep sleep, you can also try putting a heating pad in her bed right before you put her down so her bed is nice and warm. 

Name: Kelly and Kenna | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 6:01 PM
She seems to do this "cluster" thing in the early afternoon. Sometimes she seems to eat for only 5 min and fall asleep. I try to wake her and she does the same thing, nurses for 5 min. then is asleep again. She seems to feed better in the late evening and overnight.
Today She has been pulling her legs up and screaming most of the day. I have given her mylicon today and she's been sleeping awhile now. 

Name: Farah | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 7:00 PM
Hello, wasn't that long ago I was asking pretty much the same thing! LOL. My baby is 4 weeks old and she still does this. Sometimes if I think she's gonna wake up I'll just sleep with her on me... lol. Gotta do what ya gotta do! I sleep with my little one in bed too so when I lay her down I try to keep her as close to me as possible as I lay her down and then go ahead and lay next to her for awhile to unsure she's good and asleep.. 

Name: firewife | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 7:02 PM
Pulling her legs up and crying sounds like a sympton of colic, have you discussed this with her doctor? If the mylicon is helping then I would assume it is gas. Certain foods in your diet can aggravate the situation, broccoli, grean leafy veggies, carbonated drinks, beans, even dairy. You may want to try eliminating these, my son has a terrible time with dairy. I have given up all dairy including chocolate, oh what I wouldn't give for pizza and ice cream. 

Name: Kelly and Kenna | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 3:10 PM
Seems like after eating pizza with garlic on it the following day she was totally inconsolable. She screamed most of the day with only 1 hr intervals of sleep. She still seems a bit fussy today, but I have not had any dairy products. I guess we'll see how it goes. 

Name: Farah | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 3:51 PM
Have you tried to lay her on your lap and patting the middle of her back during these crying fits? Also what helps my baby, cause she wants to nurse at the same time. I lay in the recliner with it reclined and with her to my breast and her roll over on her belly touching my belly and making sure her nose isn't burried in my breast. While she's eating I patt her back. Sounds weird and it's tricky but now I'm good at it cause it works so good for us, and I do use the simethicone drops, I have the Gerber brand. We've been doing much better doing this. Also I make sure she burbs good too, by sitting her up and having her lean forward slightly, I'll get a burb pretty much everytime and big ones at that! 

Name: Fiona | Date: Aug 1st, 2006 10:30 PM
Colic can be caused by lactose intolerance. New babies find it very hard to digest lactose and this causes the pain.

Take a look at www.colief.com 

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