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Name: mommy2u
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Hello, I am a new mother. My baby is 5 1/2 months and cries a lot. When I am home he is ok, but when I leave for work he is very fussy with my husband. So I know he is just attached 2 me, but I cant tell if something is physically wrong with him at times. When he was an infant he was very fussy. They said he had colic. He is now 5 months and still fussy. Sometimes he will be happy playing and all of a sudden he will look at me with this scared face and start screaming. I dont know what is wrong with him? Recently he hasn't gone to the bathroom in 7 days I gave him prune juice and he went once and now hasnt gone for another 7 days again. The dr's say he is constipated, but when the dr gave him an enema he went poo like water. I was told that meant he wasnt constipated. Could their be something else wrong with him? Any advice on what to do or what might be wrong? Oh by the way I breastfeed. Thank you
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Name: Melissa | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 3:13 PM
i was told by my doctor that breastfed babies can gone up to 10 days without pooping before they get worried. when your baby does go what color is it? if it is green then there is something in your diet that is bothering him. 9 times out of 10 it is dairy. he might be just gassy and uncomfy cause he hasn't pooed in a while. have you tried bicycling his legs or gas drops? r u exclusivly breastfeeding or are you supplmenting? sorry so many questions but i need to know so i can try to help. it could be many things. it could also mean teething. have you given him tyenol at all? 

Name: anjelsin | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 6:00 PM
when my daughter was in the hospital and was constapated they stimulated her butt hole this seemed to work well for her. She is also fussy with others I left the other day for 2 hours and she screamed the whole time. Your son probably wants mama. And when he cries out of no where he probably has gas. The upright position seems to work well. 

Name: rachtwins | Date: Feb 7th, 2007 3:29 AM
Melissa is right bf babies can go a week without pooing. Its normal for a baby to fuss about at this age. He should settle down in a few months. 

Name: mommy2u | Date: Feb 11th, 2007 9:13 AM
hi melissa,
thank u for responding. The color is always different. Sometimes its a brownish yellowish, or a brownish greenish, Mainly Yellowish. I have tried moving his legs, and the gas drops. I only breastfeed. Yes I do give him tylenol, but i try to only give it to him if he is very very fussy and feels warm. He went poo the other day, but he will only go if I give him prunes or peaches. He wont go otherwise. Is this going to change. Will he start going without prunes?

Hi anjelsin,
yes, i too tried the thermometer and it didnt work.
I think that is something he is also going through. He is very attached to me right now. When he makes that scared face and then cries, that might b gas? okay so the gas thing still goes on past 4 months, thats good 2 know that must be what it is then. thank u.

hi rachtwins,
thank u for responding. Thats great advise. My friend told me the other day thats what baby's do they cry and fuss. I was just so worried because I watched Dr. Phil episode with the family of Dr's Dr. Sears and they were saying your baby shouldnt't be fussing if so something is wrong demand your doctor to find out what is wrong with your baby before leaving the office. So it made me all nervous...lol

Thank u all so much for responding to me : ) 

Name: Melissa | Date: Feb 11th, 2007 3:40 PM
if your baby is having green poop then that is a sign that they are sensitve to something in your diet. which would cause the gassiness and pain. 9 times out of 10 it is dairy. try eliminating dairy from your diet. it takes at least 3 or 4 days for it to get out of your system so if you don't see a result soon keep it up.

how long does babe nurse from each side? it could also be that he is getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. you could try block nursing. pick a side and nurse him on that side for 2 or feedings in a row. then switch. this ensures that they are emptying the breast and getting all that good hindmilk. i had a LC explain it to me like, the foremilk is like their drink and the hindmilk is like the meal.

hope this helps and good luck. 

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