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Name: Christy
[ Original Post ]
My three week old slept through the night last night. I feel aweful for not waking her to feed. This is the first time she has done this. Should I set an alarm to feed, or just let her set the schedule?
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Name: to christy | Date: Dec 14th, 2005 9:13 PM
at 3 weeks old you need to wake her up to feed at 3 months old its a different story. yes get her up to feed at night 

Name: Rachel | Date: Dec 14th, 2005 9:52 PM
I agree for the first at least two months you should feed every three hours. Then after your baby will let you know. My baby is three months and started sleeping through the night at two months. 

Name: Amanda | Date: Jan 21st, 2006 7:19 PM
what are you nuts. my 4 month old slept throught the night as soon as she was born. i'm out at clubs with my boyfriend several nights a week, and i don't breastfeed, you must really be baby obsesses, soorry no offence 

Name: Jess | Date: Jan 24th, 2006 9:59 PM
From day 3 my sophie would not drink at night. i would try wake her but she would cry throw her arms around scream an everything but drink it was so stressful but then she would be fine as soon as i put her back in her bed. she feeds before bed and when she wakes up an she is fine and in 5 weeks has put on 6 pounds! i asked my doctor about it when she was younger and he told me its fine, if she was hungry she would let me know and would drink. so dont worry 

Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: Jan 26th, 2006 8:15 AM
Hi Christy,
My youngest did that also at a very young age, 1 month old. It was a joy, ofcourse, but unfortunately I did have to alter it.
Babies at such a young age do need nutrition every few hours. Your pediatrician will advise you the longest baby should go without a feeding.
So even though you long for that uninterrupted sleep, you unfortunately need to wait just a little bit longer for it. 

Name: KATHELINE BAEZ | Date: Jan 29th, 2006 8:34 PM

Name: Jess | Date: Jan 31st, 2006 8:10 AM
By the way my doctor said if she was really hungry, she would let you know! other doctors have different opinions though! my baby puts on more than a pound a week and she has nothing from 10pm till 8-9 am! 

Name: Mommy of 4 | Date: Jan 31st, 2006 5:00 PM
A doctor recommending that it is o.k. for a newborn on breastmilk to sleep all thru the night on a regular basis??
Dear Lord.
Run away from that doctor as fast as you can!
It's not a matter of opinion.
A breastfed newborn infant going without breastmilk for 8 hours is like you going without food for a day. Fact.
No harm done for one night, but to suggest that a newborn will tell you when it is really hungry and you can wait until then. That doctor doesn't care much for your baby's mental or nervous development. 

Name: Michele | Date: Jan 31st, 2006 6:46 PM
I agree. As a neonatal ICU nurse, babies need the fat and calories to thrive and grow. Breastmilk digests a lot quicker than formula and that is why they need to eat more often. At the 6 week old checkup the doctor will probably tell you it's okay to go longer at night, but not at less than one month. Especially since they are holding off of feeding solids for longer..until 4 to 6 months 

Name: melinda | Date: Feb 1st, 2006 10:50 PM
not until she is 6 weeks old, should she be sleeping through the night. wake her up at least every 5 hours.. still concerned talk to your doc!!


Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 7:01 AM
*thread drift*

What a wonderful job you have!
My youngest was in the Newborn ICU unit when she was 3 days old. I don't know how I could have held up so well without our beloved compassionate nurses! 

Name: Jess | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 8:36 AM
She is 6 weeks old, she is growing perfectly normal, her development is great she smiles, coo's, laughs and rolls from her front to her back! she is doing fine and for 6 weeks she has never drunken through the night. She WONT take it! i tried for 3 hours to try get her to drink she wouldnt take my breast and she wouldnt take a bottle. i cant force her to take it! or if i can i'd like to know how. by the way i woke her up for 4 nights trying i was calm no tension she just wouldnt 

Name: Michele | Date: Feb 3rd, 2006 1:49 PM
reply to thread drift
Thank you. I enjoyed it and that is why I became a nurse to begin with was to do neonates. Right now however my family needs me at home more right now. I am so glad your baby is okay and you had a positive experience. Most of us choose that area because we love babies so much and can't imagine doing any other field. 

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