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Name: jo
[ Original Post ]
hey all, my son is 4 months 1 week and i have been advised by the helth visitor to consider giving him some baby rice soon as his weight gain has slowed down dramaticaly and he is never happy after a feed anymore. jst wanted to no what everyone thought of this, i no they recomend excisive feeding till 6 months. i will bf him till at least 1 anyway jst want to no what everyone thinks of the whole early food thing!
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Name: bmes | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 5:13 AM
instead of rice cereal what about a bit of formula? i don't know for sure, but i'm pretty sure formula has more of the nutrients they need more than rice (pablum)...or i might be wrong i don't know....to me it would just make more sense. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 5:28 AM
I just started my daughter on rice cereal a couple days ago. She'll be 4 months on Feb. 1. She was most of the signs of being ready for it. She loves it and is doing really well with it. My friends are surprised I waited this long. They all started their babies on it at 2 months...I thought that was way too early though. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 5:29 AM
bad typing... i meant to say she was "showing" most of the signs of being ready for it 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 12:36 PM
DO NOT give him anything but breastmilk or formula until at least 6 months of age. babies tummies aren't ready for it until then. it also increases their chances of allergies. here are some links for you.

link talks about the increased risk for diabeties when starting solids too soon.

link talks about when baby is ready for solids.

how much is baby gaining in a week?
4-6 month old babies should be gaining 3.25 - 4.5 ounces per week.

most growth charts that doctors use are based on formula fed baies so breastfed babies are usually "off" according to them. here is a link the the World Health Orginazations (WHO) chart. it is for breastfed babies.

to write a book but most ped. are outdated on their info for breastfed babies. i just wanted to make sure you have lots of info so you can make your own informed decision. hope this helps. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 6:20 PM
My doctor said to give her cereal around 4 or 5 months. 

Name: tubbybubble | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 7:20 PM
i started giving my son rice cereal mixed with formula when he was about 2 weeks old....but i didn't give him much...his dr. would have pitched a fit at me if she knew that. but i gave it to him at night either by bottle or sometimes if he was in a good mood i could spon feed him..i know that sounds crazy and it was a mess, but i really did. it helped him learn quicker with eating with a spoon. i've always been told that it helps them sleep better at night...needless to say that he was sleeping all the way through the night when he was 1 month old...no lie. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 7:54 PM
Well it's been a few days now, and it certainly hasn't helped my daughter sleep any better through the night! It actually was giving her a little gas at night, so I switched yesterday and started giving it to her around lunchtime instead, until she gets used to it. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 29th, 2007 7:55 PM
I mix it with breast milk and make it very liquidy. 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 30th, 2007 12:11 AM
a breastfed baby shouldn't sleep through the night at 1 month old. babies bellies are only the size of their fist. it is completly normal for a young baby to wake 3 or 4 times during the night. breastmilk digests easier than formula that is why they need to eat more often. 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 30th, 2007 12:16 AM
sorry to post twice in a row but i forgot to add. that giving cereal in bottles is not somthing docs suggest anymore! it does NOT help them sleep through the night, that is just a myth. here is some info from Dr. Sears.

You've heard that the American Academy of Pediatrics says 4 to 6 months is the optimal age to start solids. But your 3-month-old is cranky and hard to soothe, and your mother-in-law insists he must be starving. Some reasons to hold the rice cereal for now:

• Starting cereal before 4 months (or after 7 months) may put your baby at a higher risk for Type 1 diabetes.

• Your baby's odds of developing eczema and allergies may be higher if you offer solids before 6 months, particularly if there is a family history of allergies.

• At this age, he still pushes his tongue forward when he swallows, which can make solid-food feedings a frustrating experience for both of you.

• You are more likely to overfeed solids than liquids. A newborn has few ways of communicating, and it's easier to read his signals at the breast or bottle.

• Giving him solid foods now will decrease the amount of breast milk or formula he drinks, which could leave him shortchanged on nutrition.

• No matter what Grandma says, solids won't help him sleep through the night.

Babytalk, August 2006 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 30th, 2007 5:32 AM
I liked the family of Sears doctors. They were on Dr. Phil recently. 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 30th, 2007 1:10 PM
there cereal is probably giving her gas because her tummy isn't ready for it yet. babies don't even need cereal at all. it used to be used when people made their formula at home and it didn't have enough iron in it. well all long as your iron is ok then your baby will get it through your breastmilk. and forumla now has iron in it. so there aren't any babies that need it at all anymore. if your going to start solids i would start with something that isn't just a "filler" like cereal is. why not try some mashed up bananas or sweet potatoes? 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Jan 31st, 2007 6:57 AM
Thanks for the advice Melissa. 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 31st, 2007 3:31 PM
your welcome. after i found out what was really in cereal i couldn't understand why everyone wanted the babies to eat it. i think that they should get those calories from a healthier source. sorry if i'm pushing info on all of you but i had no idea until a few months ago. i would have just given it to my son too but he wouldn't stand for it. he HATED it. so i'm glad now that i know for future kids i have. 

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