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Name: 112425
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My children go to their dads 4 weekends out of 3, I am revising this as I dont get to spend much time with them as I work, he is contesting this and is willing to go to court if needed. Although this concerns me, I am more concerned that he is manipluating my children to stay with him by telling them that is they stay they will get things and if they come home they wont. My son stayed home recently with me and his dad told his sister that he will not get anything when he stays next as he didnt come to his that day. He has done this to his teenage son from a former relationship and he now lives with him full time. Should I be concerned or is this just me over reacting to something that is nothing? He loves his children and I get that he wants to spend as much time with them as possible but is it right to tell them this? His partner is also trying to involve herself with my kids welfare, and often makes suggestion to me about how to raise them, I have told her that any concerns are that of mine and my ex, and she may discuss this with him, but she isnt to approach me regarding her concerns, am I being nasty ? I just feel like I'm being pushed out of their lives by my ex and his partner, prehaps an over reaction but that is how they have made me feel. Any suggestions.
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Name: Dr. Oh | Date: Dec 12th, 2008 9:30 PM
No. You are not over-reacting! He's doing what's worked for him before and millions others like him - buying their children's love. The problem is, it's been done millions of times because it has worked millions of times. All I can say is don't give an inch and document whatever you can! I'm not sure but it sounds like the kids are old enough to choose? Do all you can, and that includes lots of prayer, to raise your kids right. It's tough because he's setting you up to be the bad guy but they are the ones that are going to pay if they turn out to be spoiled, selfish, etc. and learn the hard way how the world treats people like that.
Pray also that the ex somehow sees the error in this pratice! 

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