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Name: Babe
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last year my parents got a divorce because my dad had an affair with a woman at his work. he said that he stopped seeing her when the divorce went through and he got a job at a different place. I absoulutly hate this woman and if i ever saw her i would punch her in the face, she ruined my life. anyways i just recently found out that my dad is still seeing her because i did some snooping on his cell phone when he was busy. I am soo unbelievably pissed off at this woman but for some reason im not mad at my dad. I havent confronted him yet and i dont know what to do or how to feel. i will be very open to all advice i need it. thanks
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Name: Serina | Date: Jul 16th, 2006 2:48 AM
May be she did not know he was married . He was the one that was wring since he was the one married. Even if she did know he was the one responsible for keeping his zipper ziped shut.
Usually the marriage was not good before an affair happeneds.
Talk with your dad tell him how you feel but mind you he may care for this women so no mname calling.Just stay cool. What ever the reson he did what he did it has NOTHING to do with his love for you. Try and remember that.
Ya know it is just easyer to not like the women than it is your Dad. But He is the one that cheetedbut give him a chance to tell you for himself why he did what he did. Parents are not perfect AND SOMETIMES THE MAKE BG error in judgement.
Very best of luck 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Jul 16th, 2006 8:51 PM
You are not so angry with your dad because you love him and it is just easier to put all the blame on the other woman since she means nothing to you. However,your dad is just as guilty as the other woman because it takes 2 to tango. In other words,the other woman didn't act alone meaning your dad was a willing participant in the affair and apparently still is. The divorce is done and over so you should just let it go.I know you are still angry and hurt but there isn't anything you can do about it. If your dad wasn't seeing this woman it would be another so basically you are just going to have to get used to it. Focus on your mom and how she is doing and just let everything else go,you have to for your own well being. Don't let anger and resentment eat you up,it isn't worth it. 

Name: pj754 | Date: Jul 17th, 2006 12:53 PM
Your dad made the choice to an affair with another woman. Yet, sometimes, married couples drift apart from each other and the children blame themselves for it. Obviously, there were things going on between your mom and dad that they couldn't work out for your dad to seek comfort in another woman. You need to keep in mind, they are your parents and love you very much, they just can't be together for each other. Yet, you can still love them all the same. Your love for them doesn't change. However, I'm sure you want them to be happy in their lives and whatever paths both of your parents choose, you need to try to be happy for them too. Yes, it's hard to do because your family has split but you don't want them to be miserable with each other. Perhaps your mom will find a man she can love more dearly than your dad. You can be honest and talk with him about how you feel. Maybe he can explain things to you that you will understand. I know my son was angry with me because I left his father and he felt I turned his whole world upside down. But, he knew something just wasn't right between the two of us. He could see I was a much better person without his father in my life. I've explained to all my children that we drifted apart in many ways and for alot of reasons, yet we still love our children dearly. As much as you feel affected by their split, don't let it eat you up inside. You can still be the wonderful person you are and want to grow up to be. Try to be strong for both parents and they will love you for it. They will see just how a mature young person that you are. Hang in there and things will get better overtime. 

Name: Mia | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 4:04 PM
Manda is right!!! I tried it and it works...A father doesn't want a child to be angry for long. They will try you to see if you will come around but after so long it will cause confusion between them and he ill leave her. All this stuff about the other woman's not the blame and maybe she didn;t know he was married, that's bull...They know but they dont care who's lives they ruin. Babe, dont hate her but you surly can dislike her a lot and let your dad know that you dont' appreciate him hurting you or your mom. Sometimes mom's want admit that they are hurting but they are! divorcing because some witch came between a marrigage and sometimes a marriage can be good but a witch will find any little thing to turn a man's head and destroy something great...Babe, dont let him live it down and make him suffer just as much as you and your mom and believe me he will suffer if you or your siblings turn a cold shoulder. 

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