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Name: Chavwoman
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I am just needing to share/vent with others who appear to have similar situations with their husbands ex-wifes. My husband and I have been married for 13 years, and have a 3 1/2 year old together. He has two children from his previous marriage, a 15 year old girl, and a 19 year old boy. I have a 20 year old daughter from a previous relationship. We have had numerous problems in the past with her, and after 15 plus years of them being divorced it still continues! I am committed to my marriage, my husband is a loving and caring father, and I would never leave him. But, his ex-wife with all of her demands, and the way she is raising the kids drives me (us) nuts. She is a nut case, and a control freak. My husband and her can't even have a civil conversation. When they talk, she does all the talking (yelling) and my husband cannot get a word in edge wise. We don't not live in the same state. She limits communication between the kids and my husband. The kids both have cell phones with the same company as we do, but because "it is not a convenience" for my husband, he cannot call the kids on their cell phones. If there is any communication with the kids and my husband it has to be initiated by him. So, needless to say my husband rarely talks with the kids. Plus, her answer to getting the kids to do what she wants is to hand them everything on a silver platter! We disagree. My husband, because of his papers, is still paying child support on the 19 year old. Plus, his ex-wife expects him to pay half of the college tuition. I am all for helping out, but to give the kid a full ride when all we ask for is communication and it doesn't happen. Why should we pay! However, the kid expects it! He says "everyone I know is getting a full ride!" I could go on forever, but basically it is all about the MONEY! The kids come to visit maybe twice a year for maybe 4-5 days. If we go visit, the kids are given a hard time! We can't win! I just don't know what to do!
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Name: Renea | Date: Jan 21st, 2008 9:12 PM
What would the court order say about college tuition? Perhaps the kids needs to get a job. If he can keep up a decent gpa then your husband will pay for his share as a parent. But the kid is going to have to learn responsibility and not just expect for his dad to take care of everything. Unfortunately, supporting kids doesn't end at 18. I don't think the ex should have anymore to say to him about the 19 year old. He's an adult now. As for the 15 year, you only have 3 more years and then your hubby won't have any reason to speak to her anymore. Think positive! Then it will only be you and your family. Your stepkids and own daughter will be adults and hopefully self sufficient. 

Name: Renea | Date: Jan 21st, 2008 9:15 PM
to correct my typos above, I was completely speaking in regards to the ex, since his daughter is 15 years old, after she turns 18, he will not have any reason to converse with the ex!!! 

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