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Name: jessicakathleen11
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My boyfriend and I have been dating seriously for eight months now. We have been friends for over three years I knew him while he was married, I knew him while he was going through his divorce from his wife. He and I started dating about seven months after his divorce was final. Things have been great we both have kids, he has one child and I have two. We did not bring our children into our relationship until we were comfortable that our relationship was stable and going somewhere, we brought our kids into our relationship about four months in. His little girl is extremely smart and very sweet, although a little spoiled she is after all an only child and doesn't have a lot of discipline. We all get along very well our kids play together very well and he and I do love all of the kids very much. He and I decided that we wanted to move in together, but didn't want to rush the kids into this new situation so we decided to ease the transition, once a week we would have a sleep-over to make this new change easier on them. He told his ex-wife of this up-front to keep her informed of what was going on, and her response was simply "okay that's fine." Suddenly a week later she called him at night completely irrational saying that she doesnt' want us to have anymore sleepovers until we are either married or living together! He tried to calm her down and reason with her but she absolutely refused. She lives a mormon life-style which is great but we do not. This was a big reason for their marriage ending they did not share the same beliefs or want the same sort of life-style. We do intend to get married one day, but we've both been married and do not want to rush into it right away. It turns out that her parents are influencing this acting out from her saying that it isn't good for her child to be in this type of atmosphere. She has threatened to take him to court if he continues the sleepovers, even though their mediator has advised her that no where in their decree does it state anything about pre-martial sleepovers. She also tried demanding that he take his child to church every Sunday because that's what she does. My boyfriend and I have talked a lot about this and we know she's being ridiculous and nothing that there is nothing that she can do about our personal life. Their daughter is very well taken care of and loved and does not go without on anything. His daughter attends a very expensive private school which he and his ex-wife both pay for, and he does pay a hefty amount of child support to her each month as well. My boyfriend says he won't let his ex control our life, but she is, she's affecting our personal life to the point where I am so upset with him for not standing up for both of us that I do not want to see him. He's giving into her and her tantrums about our sleepovers because she isn't comfortable with it! How do I deal with this???
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Name: stayc | Date: Sep 15th, 2008 6:06 PM
What goes on in his home, is his choice in raising his child. He should not alert his x-wife unless it has to do with scheduling or school issues. He is basically asking her to interferre. He needs to separate his beliefs for hers and run his household the way he believes is right for the child. She has no say unless the child is not fed or safe. He should know his own child to know if this is the right move for her. I wish you luck! 

Name: neveagain | Date: Sep 17th, 2008 8:26 AM
Ummm... you really need some help. But why not go to the dating site www.singleparentloving.com ? you know, that's a great place to solve problem. People there are very friendly... 

Name: ann | Date: Sep 17th, 2008 4:24 PM
In KY you cannot have over night visitors or they will take away custody or visitation. If it is like that in your state he may lose visitation of his kids. 

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