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Name: TheHatedNewWife
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This is my first time in this forum.....so here it goes. I have been married to a wonderful man for the past 6 years and we dated a year before we married. My husband divorced his wife because she was cheating on him and also having internet affairs. They had two daughters during their marriage. They are now age 17 and 16. They are beautiful young ladies and both very smart. From the very beginning the girls have not liked me due to their mother's speaking horrible about me. I have tried everything.....being sicking sweet.....trying to buy everything they wanted........then I realized I couldn't do that. So I just tried to be myself. Their mother would tell them and my husband that I needed to leave the home for the weekend when the girls were to come over. Of course I didn't do that. My husband's ex-wife has been told by a doctor that she is bi-polar. So now she blames everything on that problem.
She is crazy. We have went to court so many times. She has moved the children from their primary home twice without court approval due to following men around and leaving with them. She has married once again after my husband. He was a very nice man and thought he could help her but she also cheated on him. They divorced. She is not a stable person, the girls won't come to live with us because we have rules and she just lets them run wild. The last time we had our attorney send his ex-wife a letter about moving the children without consent, the two girls called my husband and said that they never wanted to see him again and that he could keep his child support. He told them that he would always love them and that our door was always open and that we would keep paying our child support no matter what. Since that time we have seen the girls less than 12 times. That would be in a two year period. They only come around when they need something fixed or to get a gift. When they do come we always give them gas money to help. I could go on and on........there is no much that I haven't explained.
The problem now is the mother can no control the 16 year old. She is having problem getting her to mind and come home a night. We have spoken with child and the mother. The mother blames everything on my husband and myself for the way the 16 year old is. My husband has told his ex that she is going to have to start being a parent and act like one. To take things away from the child and stand behind what she tells her. The ex said that she couldn't do that because she doesn't want the girls to hate her and that they look at her as a friend, and that is what she wants them to be.
She called this morning with a problem. My husband spoke with her about it. Had to hang up with her because she was demand him to act a certain way and do certain things. She called back by then my husband was in the shower and he said for me to answer it. I hated to but he said again for me to answer it and to tell her that he would be calling the child's cell phone and speak with the child about things. She started to go off on me and all I could say was her name over and over to try to say something and then she called me all types of names and threated to come to our home and kick my ass. I finally yelled back at her. Over the past seven years I have never defended myself or confronted her because I didn't want the two girls to hold it against me or think bad about me. They both hate me any way so I finally stood up for myself. Now I feel bad because I feel like the ex-wife brought me down to her level, but it did make me feel good. What should I do....or how should I act. The mother is wanting to send the child that is causing the trouble to us, but for us to keep paying child support for both of them to her. What................Help...
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