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Name: [email protected]
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I am so sad that this women even exist and let alone is a mother. She is so rude and disrespectful and lies to her children. She calls at 9pm to tell her daughter not their dad or me their step-mom that she changed her team and so now her game is at 2:30 instead of 7am. She is such a liar we cannot belive her. So now we have to take our daughter anyway to the 7am game and see if it in fact is true. What gives her the right. Gosh I truly have never had so much anger and disrespect for someone in my life. She is a waste of breath and that's just not right to say about anyone. Am I crazy, but are you or are you not supposed to be honest, trustworthy, and live life with your heart? Isn't that why were here. Set good examples for our children to help them grow up to be great and respectful people. My gosh I tell you lord help her and I if she talks to me. I know I have to keep my composure. I will only say you have no right speaking to me if you want to talk we can do it another time when there are no children present. Why don't you call and set up a time with me. any advise help ???????? I could really use some support right now. Thank you all for listening
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Name: Ms. F | Date: Jan 20th, 2008 12:47 AM
You need to find out who her coach is. Give the coach your number to contact you as well as her mother about the game time. This way you do not have to depend on her for information. I know it is hard for you to understand why she is so negative, but everybody is not like you. There are evil people in the world who gets a kick out of seeing other people suffering. 

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