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Name: dragraught
[ Original Post ]
well thx for telling me that. the one on the im stuck in the middle page. i would do that but my dad is a depressant and i am afraid he will get mad or sad. i am literally afraid of him.
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 1:02 AM
I'm sorry but which post are you referring to exactly? And am I the Lizzi you are talking to or is there another here? 

Name: dragraught | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 8:35 PM
i dont remember but i know its u or it might be mini mouse umm i think its u though umm i dont remember the page name 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 4th, 2007 8:51 PM
How old is your mom? 

Name: dragraught | Date: Feb 20th, 2007 10:08 PM

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 21st, 2007 1:47 AM
I'm 35 myself,I think it's awful when parents put their "significant other "before their children! It happens though sadly. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 3:28 PM
yea its about 9:00 and my mom and him are making ribs. they both know i dont like bbq sause yet they made it anyways and acted like they didnt know. i told them and they said well screw u u can eat sumthin ealse. my mom doesnt care about me anymore. i have sireously thought about moving with my dad. 

Name: help4u | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 4:39 PM
hey man what are they supposed to do only cook what you like? you say your are 14 but you are acting like a 5 year old are you just expecting them to only think of you? will your dad only think of you? I don't think so but if he does then you should go and see how things wll be the same or worse! good luck your going to need it with your attitude!!!!! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 10:45 PM
dragraught,if you are that miserable then perhaps a change would do you good. Why don't you call your dad and see if you can stay with him? You can just tell him the truth as far as the reason goes.You can say you pretty much feel like a 3rd wheel around your mom and her boyfriend and you need a change for awhile. If your dad is at all understanding he will allow you to move in with him. I wish you much luck! :) 

Name: help4u | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 3:08 AM
Wait a minute before you do something you might regret later read your original post on this thread! ( i would do that but my dad is a depressant and i am afraid he will get mad or sad. i am literally afraid of him. ) Now that sounds like the kind of environment we all want to live in......Afraid?.. ..Remember the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence!
What will ya do when your dad and his new girlfriend eat something you don't like......ect....go back to moms? 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 2:29 PM
help4u,ya gotta point there,stupid me,I didn't connect that!!! Yeah dragraught,if you are afraid of your dad why go live with him? Maybe you need to speak to your mom about what you're feeling sometime when it's only the two of you. And another thing I'd like to say to you is I know you think you have it "rough" right now,but BELIEVE me you DO NOT!!! In fact this is the most carefree time you will EVER have in your life before you become an adult yourself and have to start paying your own way.Now that's when life REALLY gets tough! I suggest you enjoy your youth while you still have some left and stop agonizing over your mom and her boyfriend. Perhaps you are somewhat jealous that your moms attention is somewhere else besides you? Maybe if you spent more of your energy trying to get to know him and your mom instead of hating them then things would get BETTER for all 3 of you. 

Name: help4u | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 5:22 PM
kudos...Lizzi..... I have been telling him this for some time now! Now Dragraught ....Will you finally listen to what we say to you? we know its tough, things will get better!!! give it some time...but never do we hear about the good times in your life. Surely they do things with you that you like. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 6:18 PM
help4u,I think dragraught is feeling a little sorry for himself,and is missing his mothers attention. 

Name: help4u | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:41 PM
Yes I agree Lizzi ......But his mom seems to include him and his brothers when she spends time with her new boyfriend she could be sending them all to a sitters or at age 14 leaving him home alone. This tells me she really does care about him and his bro's. He should try to be more understanding that mom wants a new life for them all not just her. By including them in the time she has to spend with the boyfriend and for the boyfriend to also want them all around is a very big thing. Some fellas would want her all to themselves and not care about the kids. He seems to think his glass is half empty rather than half full. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 3:40 AM
well i know ur points but i just cant. i try but i get this feeling deep inside that its not right and than it shouldnt be happening. somtimes i cry myself to sleep at night bacause i hate it. i know what u are saying and i wuld live with my dad if he wasnt a depressant and he wasnt living at my grandmas house. ijust have a feeling and i am trusting it more than anything i was raised that way. trast ur gut but i dont want to right now. it just us there. Everybody says it will get better. well it isnt. my mom cant get food for us because she has no money. my granda on my dads side says she starves us and it just kkeps getting worse. my mom is out of money and she is spending it all on what she can like bills and such. my mom ot rwally depressed for my little brother bacause on his b-day she couldnt get him much. i try to talk to her but she ussually just tells me to deal with it i cant change it or that i should live with my dad. i have really thought about running away or seeing if i could go to arizona with my grandparents for a winter and just get away from it all. me and my brothers are feeling sick but my mom cant take us to the doctor because my dad has the health cards. and she doesnt have the money to take us there. i know she loves us but she is alway with her boyfreind at work everyday and then they have to call each other at night or he has to come over or we go there. every weekend too. i ussually play the computer game called diablo 2 to get me away from all of this crap. when i play d2 i feel accepted. i am not pushed away for feeling the way i do. i am talking to a counseler about this at school but it is once a month and it doesnt really help. and help 4 u about cooking what i like. she never cooked that stuff before and never did half the stuff she does now. she is way different. she was a mom now she is a person who takes care of kids. she used to listen to nice hiphop or rock. now its all heavy metal because her boyfreind listens to it. i think she is adjusting to make him think they are perfect 4 each other. i just dont know and i am very confused. 

Name: help4u | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 5:36 AM
Dragraught, I would like you to try to understand us, when we say things will get better we do mean in time. As i told you in one of my first replies to you, i've been where your at right now, a little younger but I've had some of the same feelings. I want you to tell me what it is that you don't think is right, as you say ...what is it that you don't think should be happening and you cry yourself to sleep over? Lets just start there. 

Name: help4u | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 5:44 AM
Hey if you want to chat more I'll try and help ya but lets start a new thread and give Lizzi a break if she wants. Hopefully she will come with and try to help you too! OK? 

Name: help4u | Date: Mar 3rd, 2007 4:10 PM
Well, it seems like you think that the divorce shold not be happening we all hate it when our parents get the big D but we as kids dontknow what they had to go through to live with each other we only see the side of it they let us. As for when will it get better that depends alot on yo my friend when will you start to accept things will never be as they were and when will you start to let little things not bother you so much. Sounds like mom was thinking about divorcing your dad for a while that is normal everyone wants to wait to see if their lives get better before they make a major move like divorce. She might of also not wanted to while your brother was so young who knows why does it matter? Lastly if you wake me up and say your hungry am I supposed to Jump right up and make sure youdont starve to death right at that moment come on lets talk about thigs that are really bad in your life not some crap like them not at your beck and call. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 3rd, 2007 10:26 PM
Hi dragraught and help4u! Dragraught,you have to pull yourself out of the slump that you're in. The more you mope around the more depressed you are going to feel. You need to try and think positive. You aren't going to be in this situation FOREVER!!! So you might not like things as they are right now,big deal! Try and be the bigger person here and make the best out of a situation you don't care for particularly. If you don't want to go to the boyfriends house,then ask your mom if you can stay home instead. If you have to go then ask your mom to bring some things you like to eat over too so that you can help yourself when hunger strikes. Give the boyfriend a chance here too. Talk to him and try to get to know him a little bit,it won't kill ya! I think you do miss having your moms attention and don't like the boyfriend because he has taken her attention away from you. Instead of turning yourself into wall paper and acting like you don't exist around them,do the opposite and be where they are and make yourself visible to them and converse with them. Talk about school,your friends,your favorite movie. Ask if you can help them make dinner. You have to be willing to show them that you want to be included in their life. Stand up and participate in their conversations and try to be friendly with her boyfriend. This may please your mom and also her boyfriend might not be so bad afterall. You have to TRY though!!! 

Name: help4u | Date: Mar 4th, 2007 4:44 PM
Dragraugt, Do me a favor ......Read Lizzi's last post to you 5 times very slowly so it sort of sinks in.. she really makes good points. If you just want to vent here we can understand but you do need to try to accept you cant change things. You can change how you feel about them. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Mar 17th, 2007 2:55 PM
ok i get where u are coming from lizzi i have tried that they push me and my brothers away so they can hug and kiss they are doing sumthing and i try to help but my mom comes in right away saying o stop he knows how to do it while its not working then he tries what i said and it works. then my mom syas oo well i knew than and soo did he we were gonna try that next. i dont mean to talk abpout them badly we do do stuff but only like once a month

o and srry i have been gone really busy with high school scedual changes 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 18th, 2007 12:25 AM
dragraught,all you can do is put forth effort on your part,beyond that it's up to them to meet you half way. Try to keep the peace and remember that this situation you're in WILL NOT last forever!! They may tire of each other and break up or even if they don't,you will be 18 and can go live your own life away from them if you choose to when the time comes. So just grin and bare it as best you can til then,it's NOT the end of the world my friend,it's nothing more than a phase your life will pass through,just like everything else you've ever endured and will encounter in your future! as time moves on things and people are always changing! Cheer up and you'll be through this phase in time before you know it and then realize it wasn't even so bad afterall! :) 

Name: dragraught | Date: Apr 2nd, 2007 2:09 PM
sorry i have been gonr for a while. been busy. but on march 31 saturday i was in my god fathers wedding as the Jr. Groomsman. it was probably the best weekend of my life. i was acctually accepted there. i got to wear my first tux and it was my first time seeing or being in a wedding. on sunday they had the gift opening and i went with my freind dj (his dad is my godfathers brother) and soo i had a god day. then my mom came and picked me up and brought me to her boyfreinds house. sombodyripped his computer chair and i went to see it. he said DID I ASK U FOR HELP GET UR ASS AWAY FROM HERE! when i was gone and had nothing to do with it. i just wanted to see it. and soo i got made and said f-u to him and walked away. he came up slammed me agianst the wall then threw me on the couch. he yelled at me saying he wants respect. i said i do to. he gat mad at that and yelled at me more. i was ignoring it. but that ruined this weekend and i never thanked my godfather for having me of all people in his wedding. but it all ruined this weekend when i was just feeling accepted as sombody in anybodys family. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Apr 2nd, 2007 5:29 PM
Oh hun! I'm so sorry!!!! That jerk has NO RIGHT to EVER lay one hand on you EVER!!!!!!!!! Does your mom know about this? What did she say about it? I am so sorry,you DIDN'T deserve it!!!!!!! If your mom wants to be with this guy all the time then I think you should opt to stay home if your mom will let you. She should be able to see that you and her boyfriend don't get along and shouldn't force you to be around him if you don't want to be.

On another note,I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time at the wedding kiddo! Those are the people you need to be talking to,the ones who made you feel accepted and happy! The ones who were happy to include you in their lives on such a special day!
I think maybe you should pick someone out from who you felt comfortable with that day and talk to them about your moms boyfriend and tell them what he did and then maybe they can step in and talk to your mom and maybe help the situation somehow.
Him putting his hands on you should have been enough for your mom to tell that man good-bye! He has NO RIGHT to EVER put his hands on you EVER!!!!!! If i were you I would not go around him any more than you absolutely have to and I hope to god your mom doesn't get an idea to move in with the guy,or else you'll be having alot more problems. I guess if she does want to live with him then you can protest it and ask someone else from the wedding party that you liked there if you could stay with them because you can't stand the thought of living with that man and tell them why and what he did.
If someone in your family cares for you enough,they will help you with this situation. You need to go to the person in your family you feel comnfortable with and talk to them about this. I can't believe your mom still wants anything to do with this guy after he put his hands on you like that! that's just wrong and it tells me where your moms priorities are and they're NOT in the right place!!! That's SAD! 

Name: help4u | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 2:35 AM
As for u dragraught when all this took place were you both kinda wrong here. Yes this guy could of had a little self control and not got so pissed off but were you really physically harmed by him or was he just holding you so you wouldn't run away and pout. All you do here is make him out to be such an asshole and your mom a dirty whore for being with him.... never do we here how they both try so hard to include you in their lives
you and your brothers they could be sending you all to a babysitters or worse leaving you at home. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 6:19 PM
i am sorry i lied alittle he didnt slam me into the wall he just pushed me into it and i am very light i thought it was harder. but i love the guy he is very nice to me i think we were both mad and shoulfnt have done anything. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 6:31 PM
plz dont fight over this he didnt hurt me phisically and we were both mad. we do fun stuff but i use this to vent the bad stuff. i didnt think u were suposed to come on here and say "o yea we went fishing today what fun it was" i thought this was for problems. but my mom got on here and found this out and now her and him are breaking up and i am pissed. i didnt mean for this to happen. it just seems like when i am gone its perfect but when i am there its horrible for them. they call me sex patrol and then he says he cant live with me. i told my mom i willl leave and never come back if that would make her happy. he didnt have any right touching me but he was mad. i hate myself for doing this and i hope that u werent freinds and if u were u can still be. help 4 u i get ur point. u sound just like my mom. lizzy that was alittle extreme but i understand u to. i dont know if i will come back or not. hopfully i do it really helped. i hope u 2 dont like hate each other i just ruin everything and i dont know why i am still here. i always ruin everything and i know i have anger problems and this helps but then my mom says i never say anything good about this but i dont want him to seem like a complete asshole he isnt one. but plz dont do anything over me i am just a kid and i guess i am nothing more than a problem maker. thx for your help and i hope that u type back and u dont hate eachother. 

Name: dragraught | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 6:33 PM
help 4 u he isnt my father no i wouldnt do that to my dad. would u? i am sure u have said it to other people. well he is like another person but he is part of my family. he is a freind not my father. i just wish u could feel what i am feeling and u would understand ]_[ 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 6:58 PM
Well isn't this a kicker? dragraught,myself and help4u never were and never will be friends. After the way she went off on me I don't care to ever associate with her again. As for you and your lies,well what you did was wrong. I am a real person with feelings and took you seriously and thought you were being wrongfully harmed. Obviously I'm too trusting in what people tell me. Well not anymore,and I have YOU to thank for it! I will no longer be conversing with you either from now on so good-bye dragraught,I hope you had fun playing your little game on here! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 6:59 PM
Well helpu4,looks like you had little dragraught figured out all along afterall! 

Name: dragraught | Date: Apr 7th, 2007 8:39 PM
lizzy i am sorry if u read this agian i didnt lie about it all he did push me against the wall but didnt slam me. im sorry but it was only once. u know what i am ruining everything i will not come on here anymore soo i dont even know why im alive. well cya later maybe im sorry i ruin everything im the prroblem of everything 

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