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Name: danielle09xx
[ Original Post ]
I had my first m/c at 4 weeks on the 16th march, I wasnt really given any advice or surrport my doctor seemed to have the attitude that it is so commen i should not worry the only advice i was given was to try to wait a month before trying again. I read a lot of things on the internet about people falling straight away and and preganancy being successful so i thought i would just let nature takes its cause.

I knew i was pregnant my breasts were sore and i felt strange like before so i done a text before my period was due and i was. I booked an appointment at the doctors but 3 days later i started bleeding again on the 16th april exactly 1 month later.
I did a test yesterday and it is now negitive so its happened again and im so scared there is something wrong with me but i know my doctor will pass this off by saying i didnt give it enough time between.

Can i get tests privitly or am i being silly and impatient as my doctor seems to think?
I wish id never done the test as hen i would of just thought i was coming on and would not of known i was ever pregnant again.
I had 2 miscarraiges when i was younger and feel like now im being punished for it. I seem to get pregnant quite easily i just cant hold on to it not passed 3 or 4 weeks it seems so im scared i damaged myself or there is something wrong with me.

Does anyone have any advive xx
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Name: danielle09xx | Date: Apr 22nd, 2007 10:12 PM
sorry not to miscarraiges when i was younger...2 abortions!!
amazing how this takes over your life and mind x 

Name: blondiess4u | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 12:31 AM
Danielle, Don't worry! (easier said than done) I had 1 abortion 3 years ago, and wanted to get pregnant this year so bad but couldn't. I felt the same way as you like I was being punished for having one. 3 months later (now) I am 4 weeks pregnant! I know I have a chance of misscarriage still... but my point is that it will happen, just have faith! Start taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins! baby dust to you! 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 1:34 AM
Does your doctor know about your abortions? If he knew that, he might feel more of a reason to look at why you're miscarrying. I also had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy, and my doctor told me it was very common. One m/c isn't enough to make doctors worry because it is so common. Now that you've had 2, he should look with more concern. 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 6:41 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Although a loss, the second mc may not be counted as a mc. Pregnancy tests are more and more sensitive and it's more common than most realize that you can get a positive and then end up getting your period anyway. Every egg has the posibility to be fertilized, some start the process but then nothing continues so you end up getting your period. Think about it if you hadn't taken an ept before your period, you would have never got that positive. This happened to me back in November, I don't look at it as a mc or a loss even though we're trying to conceive. I did have a mc on Aug 4, 11 weeks along so I do understand about the loss and suffering through a mc. But one that's found before your period and you start bleeding a few days later, I don't believe your doctor will look at it as a mc.

You should talk to your doctor about the abortions, perhaps there is scar tissue or something preventing a successful pregnancy. I had an easy time getting pregnant, but with my mc, I had to have a d&c and since then I've had a hard time getting pregnant. We've only been ttc now for 5 cycles so we're still early for doctor intervention.

Wish you the best 

Name: A Mom To Be | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 11:25 AM
1. Don't stress, you have done nothing wrong.
2. Is it possible to change doctors?
3. At least you aren't having trouble falling pregnant, perhaps your doctor, or your new doctor can look in to reasons as to why you are losing your babies. (I am sure you have or are looking into it, perhaps there are no reasons... perhaps there are things that may help prevent it??? I am no expert, but I hope you get some answers).
4. Have you spoken to a psychologist/counselor/therapist about feelings of being punished. Don't feel negative, no one gets punished like this. Please don't believe this.

I am thinking of you. I pray that you will get the baby you want so much, I want one too.


Name: missheather | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 1:16 PM
I guess it's common for women to become pregnant and then just get a late period. Most women don't realize that anything has happened. I remember once last summer I had a late period and it was really heavy. I wondered if I could've been pregnant and it just didn't work.
I've heard that abortions can have physical side affects. I'd tell your doctor about them. 

Name: briseis | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 3:08 PM
So many women have miscarriages as early as you have had your two and don't even realise they're pregnant in the first place. Theres been a few times my periods have been a few days late, and I never tested, but never thought of miscarriage when I took my period. With this pregnancy, I was 6 and a half weeks pregnant, before I even tested. 5 out of every 6 conceptions will result in a miscarriage before they reach 12 weeks, and most of these occur before the woman even realises she's pregnant. I think you're worried because you're so aware of your body, and therefore unlike so many women, including myself, you know when you've miscarried. For all I know, I could have had several miscarriages before this pregnancy, but as far as I'm concerned, this is my first pregnancy, as a pregnancy isn't really medically and officially considered a pregnancy by the doctor until it has been confirmed with a pregnancy test, which your second one wasn't. Try to relax. It isn't your fault. I'm sure you'll achieve your dream of pregnancy, and I hope you don't suffer any more miscarriages. You're not being silly or impatient, although a doctor will not consider you 'infertile' until you have been trying to conceive without success for 12 months. 

Name: mybabyboy | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 7:02 PM
Change doctors! 

Name: vane20 | Date: Apr 23rd, 2007 9:40 PM
you should tell your dr. about the abortions you had. Im sure he/she will do some sort of examination on you. If this dr. wont do it, take the other girls' advice and switch doctors.
Good luck!! = ) 

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