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Name: mizzescalante
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Xylea will not sleep through the night.

anyone got any ideas?

i mean i know she will do it when she is ready but i am sure there is something that will do the trick.
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Name: Kyra | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 2:48 PM
Are you breastfeeding cause I don't think strictly bf babies are exspected to sleep through the night that early.
My suggestion in that case is make night feedings formula. Worked for me. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 3:23 PM
haha if you get any please let me know. Kendra will sleep for 6hrs and then she is up. I wouldn't care if she jsut wanted to be fed, but she is up after that until at least 7am and by then I have to get out of bed to go to either work or school. sa basically she will sleep until about 4am if I am lucky and then she will eat and then she just chills. I used to play with her because I felt bad, but now I jsut leave her in her bed and let her play by her self. She used to cry and fuss, but I guess she is used to it now, becuase she jsut makes a bunch of noise talking to her slef. Either way I can't get anymore sleep after that because she is in my room and I hear her. Both my sister and my friends babies will sleep forever. They go to bed about 9pmish and will sleep until 7am and then will eat and go right back to sleep until like 10 or later. I would be cool if she would jsut sleep from 10pm-7am. I guess for her 6hrs is enough sleep. Sad thing is I read that babies are forming their sleep habits now that they will keep. If that is the case then she is jsut like her daddy, because gary never sleeps for more then 4-6 hrs at a time. Oh she doesn't sleep too much during the day either. she will nap for 20 min here and there every few hours and maybe take one longer nap at about 2pm that last for maybe an hour- an hour and a half max. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 3:24 PM
oh and both my frined and sisters babies are only breast fed so it kills me that kendra gets cereal at night (due to her reflux) and still can't amnage to stay sleeping!!! 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 3:25 PM
i do not bf i give her formula. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 3:29 PM
wow jill 6 hours is nothing to me. well if they are learning there sleep patterns they will keep i guess i am screwed with getting up in the night. well at least she falls right back asleep after eating. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 3:34 PM
If she is jst getting up to eat and goes back to sleep then I think that is pretty normal 

Name: scottysgirl0620 | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:05 PM
sheridan has her bath around 10(she absolutely loves her bath) her bottle after and is usually asleep by 10:30-10:45...she then sleeps all night long ...wakes up around 8 or so to take a bottle and then goes back to sleep til around 10:30 

Name: scottysgirl0620 | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:06 PM
she will be 3 months on the 19th 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:18 PM
jill here is my comment from the other post.

Name: mizzescalante • Date: 06/07/2007 11:22:40

she sleeps 4 hours durring the day when dinos mother is not watching her other grand daughter but when paisley is there xylea only sleeps for like 30 min at a time and all together probably gets 2 hours of sleep. paisley is loud and i think she wakes xylea up all the time and i think when xylea wakes up she is scared because paisley is loud. when we put her down for sleep at 8 after that we both take showers and i go and lay with my son and talk with him for about 30 min and then by 9 we are all asleep. i think the problem is that dinos mom lets xylea sleep on her chest and xylea is getting use to it and we dont do that at our home. and she is restless because paisley dosent let her sleep much. gosh i dont know. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:19 PM
we have pretty much got her to go to bed at 8 trying to get her to go to bed after 8 is hhhaaarrrdddd. she takes a bath at 7:30 and wants to go to sleep at 8pm and no later. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:26 PM
how often does she get up at night and how many hours will she sleep straight? I would tell dino's mom not to let her sleep on her chest, because she needs to rest comftorably by her self and not on top of someone. As for the the little girl being loud she will just have to learn to sleep throughnoise unless dino's mom can get the little girl to quiet down a bit. Also try to make it so her room is not silent at night so she gets used to a bit of noise and won't wake up . As long as the other little girl is not screaming then she should be able to sleep or tell dino's mom to put her into abother room with the door closed and a baby monitor on so that she doesn't hear the loud noised. also doese she sleep for 4hrs straight during the day] if so try waking her up after 2hrs max and let her take a few naps during the day instead of one big long one. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:30 PM
she will go to bed at 8pm wake up at 10pm go back to sleep at 10:10pm then wake up at 12am then go to sleep at 12:10am then at 3am and 10 min later back to sleep and 6am then she is ready to start her day.

i know she isnt hungry though, 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:31 PM
i would feed her everytime she woke up and she would only eat like 2 oz of formula each time. 

Name: 04nidak | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:34 PM
If she's eating everytime she wakes up in the night, then she must be hungry. Have you tried giving her a larger bottle right before bed, maybe 6 or 8 oz? If she gets full then she might sleep longer. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:41 PM
well it doesn't seem like she could be hungry that often. How much does she eat at her last bottle before bed? Kendra has reflux so at night I give her a 4oz bottle (that is how much she always eats) but I add 4tbs of rice cereal. I had to cross cut the nipple, because it is thick. I am not sure if that keeps her full longer, but she will go the entire 6hrs with out waking up hungry. Even when she does wake up sometimes she will not want a bottle for like a hour or longer also. I am sure that Xylea is not hungry every two hrs she prob jsut wants to suck on something to get back to sleep. does she have a passy? If so give it to her instead of the bottle. also is she in her own room or yours? if she is in her won room try letting her stay in bed for a while with out going in after her and she if she will go back to sleep on her own. Finall sometimes babies need some sort of white noise to help them clam down, but it need to be what we concider loud. You can buy a white noise mch or get a CD, or you can jsut put a raido in her room and turn it to a station that has stattic. turn it up and put it on a stand by the head of her crib. See if that helps. I used to use a tape of the vaccume cleaner with jeremiah and it woked wonders in soothing him when he was fussy or woke up during the night 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:42 PM
she get 5 oz when she goes to sleep we give her 6oz but she falls asleep and normally gets 5oz. when she wakes i know she isnt hungry because we make her a bottle and she only drinks 2 oz. we have wasted alot of formula. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:45 PM
she sleeps in her own bed everynight except lastnight. i will have to try some of you ideas though. she has a passy and she takes it at night but spits it out after like 5 min and then she is up again. 

Name: 04nidak | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:46 PM
She probably doesn't need to eat every two hours at night, that seems like too much, but if you use pacifiers, that might do the trick! Maybe try waking her up at bedtime so she can finish the entire bottle before going to sleep. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:47 PM
hey jill i added you to my myspace yesterday did you get the request? 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:49 PM
yea i need to let her finish and if it means waking her up i need to do that.

also i was thinking she dosent burp at all at night. could this be a reason also? i can not get her to burp at all at night. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 4:58 PM
yeah I approved it today when I got on. Try giving her cereal in her bottle 1tbs per every ounce of formula. I know lots of people are aganist it, but my dr is having me do it so it can't hurt her. also there is no way she is hungry she jsut wants to suck or she would be eating more then just 2oz. Try to extend her bed time a bit if you can adn have her sleep closer to 9 or 9:30. Hopefully that and the white noise thing will help. It sounds stupid that kids need noise, but I am telling you it works like a charm. Even if she if fussy and you can't calm her down. stick her ass in her swing and turn on the vaccume. she will shut right up. Speaking of swing have you tried letting ehr sleep in her swing at night? maybe the motion will help her sleep longer for a while until ehr body gets used to staying a sleep for more then a couple of hours. Sometimes babies jsut wake them selves up by jerking or something and then they think that they need something before they can go back to sleep. The swing may rock her back to sleep with out you needing to get back up and then she can learn to go to sleep with our you going into her room every two hrs. Good luck. I think that may be worse then what I have going on. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 5:02 PM
dino wont let her sleep in the swing. about the cereal part i do give her cereal. i will give her a 4oz bottle with 2 tespoons of cereal. and it makes her wake up more. i dont know if it bothers her stomach or what.

tonight i am going to give her a bath at 7:30 and feed her at 8pm and try and keep her up till 9. gosh she is going to be cranky but mabye i should put her to bed later than 8. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 5:20 PM
1tsp in 4oz is not enough to make a difference. The box says to give 1 TBS for every 5-6 TBS of liquid (which is about an ounce of liquid) I generally put in 4TBS of vereal into a 4-5oz bottle of formula. I remember she was pretty young when you tried that little bit of cereal so maybe it was something else that caused her to wake up. Try it again and use more cereal. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 5:28 PM
do you think 1 tbs per ever oz. will hurt her i mean kendra has reflux and xylea dosent. i am sure its safe but if xylea dosent have reflux do you think i should be giving her that much? 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 5:29 PM
braden just slept 1230-8am and 845-130pm.. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 5:30 PM
1tbsp every 2 ounces 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 6:38 PM
it won't hurt her you just have to play with the formula to see what works best for her. I used to do 1TBS per every 2oz, but that was not thick enough for her to keep it down while she was laying in bed. I looked at the directions for "first time feedings" on the box and it said 1TBS for every 5-6 TBS of liquid. I measured out 5 TBS and it was an ounce. I called the dr and ask it that would be too much and he said not it is fine. The amount is not that important as long as she swollows it fine. The poing though is that you have to make it thicker then jsut formula. You should be able to tell a difference if you poured it out of the bottle and it should not be able to fit through a regular nipple hole. It will not hurt her at all. Lots of parents give it to their kids much sooner then you are. Also dr will reccomend it if the baby like to eat often and is gaining too much weight so that they can go longer between feedings. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 6:40 PM
luck you coart. babies go through those long periods of sleeping when they are going through a growth spurt. It is funny because everytime kendra devlops a new talent she will ahve slept alot the day or two before. Like when seh started to babble. She slept for hours during the day for two days and then after a nap on the second day she woke up and started to babble her little head off. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 7:24 PM
does braden have reflux? 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 7:34 PM
haha thats so cute jill.. and i dono, he was in the hospital for throwing up, but they tested for reflux b.c i have it but said nothing showed up, but he does spit up alot, but he doesnt spit up when i put cereal in his bottle. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 7:39 PM
a tablespoon seems like alot to me but hey i never tried it. 

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