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Name: Tameka
[ Original Post ]
Im due in April 4, 2006....Am I in my 34th or 35th week? Some things are saying my 34th and some are saying my 35th? I know im due in 5 weeks and like 6 days, so that makes me in my 35th right? I'm confused.
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Name: Tameka | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:15 AM
Will some one tell me or give me a site to go on!! 

Name: Tara | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:42 AM
yes get on tickerfactory.com its great you pick out a cute timeline and then type in your exact due date and then that will tell you. let me know what you think. 

Name: Tameka | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 4:34 AM
okay ill try it out. 

Name: Tameka | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 4:43 AM
Well Tara, thanks. I tried it out, I'm 34weeks and 2 days. Thanks. 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 5:04 AM
Hey guys try (www.baby-gaga.com) they have some really cool tickers on there too! Trust me you'll like, they have a neat one that not only tells you how far along you are but tells you your babies weight and current development. 

Name: Renee | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 3:33 PM
You're most likely 34 weeks and 2 days to be exact because I am 34 weeks and 5 days; due before you. I am due April 1st, and won't be 35 weeks until Saturday February 25th. It is more than likely that every Tuesday you turn another week, so keep that in mind and you won't lose track again.

I feel pretty sure about your weeks since you're three days behind me. 

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