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Name: tonysmomma
[ Original Post ]
Well Amanda was born at 8:55am on Monday October 23rd. 8 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long. I did have to have a c-section as when they checked me I hadn't dialated any more and she was still pretty high. Although now looking back I am way glad I had a c-section. She is more beautiful without the cone head. I am healing much better and faster this time I think too!

I am up and moving around alot easier. It hurts to go from the sit-up to lay down or vice versa though. Oh and I have a cold so it really hurts to cough. Thank god I haven't sneezed yet! I bet my guts would like fall out or something. I got really nauseas on the table when they were operating. The numbing guy (don't even wanna try to spell anastiasialiougist??LOL) said it was cause they were sewing my uterus back up and putting it back in. LOL sick. Hearing that made me even more like I was gonna puke. Didn't though Go ME!

Amanda is a complete freaking angel. We didn't get home til about 10pm last night. Once I got home there was a lot I wanted to do so I didn't get to sleep til 230am. Then she woke up at 330am. I was like oh hell it's gonna be a long night! She was awake for about an hour then woke up again at like 9 this morning. Ate and we went back to sleep til 2pm!!! I got so much sleep I feel great! I can't believe it! And she sleeps so much during the day too! We'll see how long this lasts...But for the mean time it is giving me a lot of healing time that I desperatly need

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I'm more than happy to ease anyone's anxiety!
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Name: amandadenise | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 1:38 AM
Congratulations and by the way....I love the name you picked for her!!! :) 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 1:59 AM
Congrats! I can't believe you have the energy to write us, thank you. '
The sleep thing ,that scares me I don't want to pass out while breast feeding. Do you just have to push yourself to stay up?
And are you breastfeeding? 

Name: jamcarant | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 2:00 AM
Congrats, and yeah," Amanda"s are cool people. I know cause I am one ;-). What is her middle name?

Did they give you any pain meds? C-sections are the way to go, cause they numb you and you don't feel much of anything pain-wise. 

Name: tonysmomma | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 6:58 AM
yes I am breastfeeding and I did find myself falling asleep while feeding her while I was in the hospital. I'd feel myself kinda start slipping down and I'd yank awake. It's wierd cause you get the most awful mood swings. One moment you're on top of the world and then bomb your exausted. Luckily though she doesn't feed for too long and you can find positions to nurse even while you are sleeping! 

Name: tonysmomma | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 6:59 AM
Her middle name is Crystal after my aunt and her god-mother. We actually kept her name a secret until I was like 8 months so that my aunt wouldn't know she was being named after her. But I announced it at the race track where my uncle was racing in front of a huge crowd. Made my aunt cry. She was in the room with me too when I had Amanda. 

Name: tonysmomma | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 7:01 AM
Oh yeah one more I did get lots of pain meds. You are required to have a spinal for a c-section so I couldn't feel anything from the breast down. Now I am on percocet and ibuprophen. It's not to bad though. Just make sure that you get a lot of air to the incesion sight. 

Name: lilflower | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 7:16 AM
Congratulations on the birth of Amanda. 

Name: jamcarant | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 7:53 AM
I don't think mine is healing up so well. I looked down there with a mirror (not being gross, I just wanted to see where I was cut open cause I couldn't see it this time) and it looked like they were just in a hurry to staple me up or something. I think the pain lasted longer this time (I don't really remember the other 2), and it just looks gross. If it doesn't get better, I am going to go to the doctor and get it looked at soon. 

Name: tonysmomma | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 10:07 AM
My first one didn't heal well at all. I wound up going to urgent care multiple times with pain. It leaked a lot of greenish fluid that smelt bad. If yours is doing that I would definetly have it looked at. Cause if it does get infected they put like a cotton swab in the wound and make you squeeze the puss stuff out. That feels like hell! Good luck 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 1:33 PM

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