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Name: rissalej
[ Original Post ]
Hello everyone. I'm 25 years old and I have been trying to get pregnant since I was 20 with my fiance of 11 years. I had been going to the same doctor for years and she kept on telling me all this stuff but would never really listen to me. Finally I got upset and seeked out another doctor who did blood work for a month to see if I was ovulating. I had kept telling my previous dr that I was not ovulating, but she didn't listen. Finally my new DR. found ou that I was not ovulating, put me on Clomid and did blood work again that month and FINALLY I ovulated. Now I'm on my second round of Clomid and was wondering if anyone has had any success with it or if anyone is on it. I don't even know what day I am ovulating cause I check but don't see anything. I'm just getting so frustrated. Someone PLEASE reply!
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Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:55 AM
I have a "trying to concieve" thread on the SAHM forum. I have been trying for a year. Married for two. I am just about to get my blood test, my first round of clomid was this cycle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, and i'm 18. 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:55 AM
by the way the worse feeling ever is when you're sitting with your honey talking about the time when you have kids and all and you've been tryiing and nothing. I mean we even have names picked out and everything. Is that crazy? I don't know if anyone else on here has gone through any infertility situations. It just gets so bad sometimes that you become obsessed with it. Especially now that I know I'm ovulating and that was really my only problem cause everything else is fine. They tested my tubes, ovaries everything. Now that I know it CAN finally happen I'm becoming SOOO impatient. I hate those negative pregnancy test results. lol 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:56 AM
well I will keep my fingers crossed along with you and hope that you're pregnant. I'm hoping that this cycle worked. I've been trying for what seems forever. It's just the worse feeling. 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:57 AM
that reply was to you Nicole lol but for some reason I messed up. lol. Sorry 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:58 AM
how was your first round on Clomid? Did you experience any types of symptoms like they described? I knew when I ovulated because it sent me to bed the whole day. It was painful. That was the only symptom I experienced though. I didn't have anything else. Everything was fine, but when I ovulated it just felt like I had so much pressure and everything. I felt like I was going to burst. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:59 AM
You're not crazy, we have already bought baby stuff, started decorating the nursery, and have names picked out (joshua scott jones or skyler maddison jones). We know it will happen some time. I had the same problem as you, i dont ovulate, and have only 2-3 periods per year. 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 4:02 AM
yea they tested everything else and said that was the only problem. My Dr keeps saying that he feels this is going to go smoothly and that I'll be pregnant soon, but it's not really reassuring. I'm going to see him tomorrow and I'm going to ask him about getting an ultrasound done to see if it's even a "good egg" when I ovulate. My fiance wants his middle name for a boy which is Tyrel and I thought if we had a girl we could name her the girl version of his name which is Tory. So hers would be Tori. lol. 

Name: rissalej | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 4:07 AM
Do you know about how long after you take the last pill when to check for ovulation? My doctor had told me when to check but when I did it showed nothing. I'm a little lost. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 5:39 AM
It really depends (when you ovulate), we have just been having sex every single day to make sure we dont miss it. 

Name: ARMANISMOM | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 7:19 PM
I went though this for years and was on birth control for many years. When I went off I never ovulated. I went to numerous doctors and they wanted to put me on drugs. What worked for me was taking birth contol for one month and taking Phentermine (used to lose weight) for some reason this has worked twice for me. This may sound grouse but when you notice this clear bugeree like discharge that is very stretchy when you wipe (generally 2 weeks before the start of your next period) go have fun with your man. This means you are ovulating. 

Name: LoVeLyMoMmY | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 1:44 PM
Rissalej go to www.pregnany-info.net..there are alot of women there and they are really nice and they are all trying to concieve and alot use clomid...or dont ovulate so u might be able to relate to some of them too...good luck girl 

Name: Ktx | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 7:58 PM
I can't believe that 18 year olds are actively attempting to get pregnant? Is your life that dull? Have you finished school yet, and by school I mean more than high school. I understand 25 and on Clomid, but 18; give me a break!!! I didn't know girls were this crazy, and I'm 22. It's so scary to know that if I have a little girl, she would actually have to associate with people like you. Go ahead get married when you're 16, but to try to have a baby. So selfish!!! 

Name: KimH | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 8:19 PM
Well, we have decided to try for our 3rd. We have 2 boys and would love a daughter. I have long cycles and ovulate irregularly. Last time took 3 years to concieve, but it did happen, so maybe I will be lucky. This will be our first active month trying, although we haven't been that careful though. Oh, and I am 28. 

Name: boobahkish05 | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 3:50 AM
if your trying to conceive? try babyzone.com 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 4:02 PM
Ktx is just rude and should not even post what she thinks on this forum because everyone i have seen is very ingnorant. When they are ready to have a baby thats thier choice not yours and even better she has a husband that wants to as well so this baby will be loved. I hope you can pull your head out of where ever it is and learn to not be so rude to people who are trying to start a family at times you dont feel right. Its thier family NOT yours. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 4:53 PM
Excuse me Ktx? I think that you should mind your own damn business. My HUSBAND (are you married? doesn't sound like it!) and I are having a baby - we're financially stable, and yes I've finished more than highschool. I'm a certified paralegal, but plan to stay home with the baby. How am I selfish? You don't know anything about my life, or how prepared I am to raise a child. Why don't you go on the "mom's with teens" forum and inflict your oppinion on those girls who hang around there and might actually need to hear it.

Oh, and P.S. to rissalej - The clomid did work the first time and I'm 4 weeks and 5 days along. Good luck to you! 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 9:45 PM
Before I respond to the actual post I need to respond to Ktx with her responds to norah jones. I too agree with norah jones that you really just need to mind your own business. Who gave you the right to become so judgemental. For those who have been talking to norah jones knows that this girl is not you average 18 year old. Some 18 years old shouldn't have children just like some 27 years olds shouldn't have children. Her and her HUSBAND decided that they were ready to extend their family. I don't know about you but being married myself I know that eventually this was one of those things that my husband and I discussed. I think that was of poor taste on your half.

Now for the actually posting:
Me and my husband had been trying to concieve our second child for over a year before I went in to talk to my OBGYN. He had me take a couple of blood test to check hormone levels and as well as charting to see if I was ovulating. The next month I went in and he started me on clomid. Unlike norah jones (I'm so happy for her and glad that she doesn't have to do another round) I actually took 3 rounds of clomid before I finally found out that I was pregnant. I am not 13 weeks. 

Name: Ktx | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 12:20 AM
EthansMom--I don't know what a typical 18 year old is, and I couldn;t imagine one that is ready. But again, it is none of my business and I apologize for leaving such a rude remark to Nicole jones. You are right, I am not married, although I have been with my fiance for 4 1/2 years. I don't want to be pregnant and definitely didn't plan it. You're probably a much more deserving mother than I. I'm sorry and good luck; I'm not really such a judgemental b***ch. 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 1:00 AM
Thanks for the apology Ktx. No hard feelings. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 2:35 AM
Sorry to hear that you not happy with being pregnant, but I did see in another posting that you have decided to keep the baby. Hopefully it will get better. I found out that I was pregnant at 26 and alot of things changed for me. But if I had to do it all over again I would keep it the same way. My son has been the greatest gift that I have been given. And it is true children can melt the hardest of hearts. I was a very selfish person before my son came along and now I would give my life for him. 

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