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Name: soon2bmommy
[ Original Post ]
Yeah I know I keep saying im going to sleep but I just cant manage to do it. In addition to not being able to sleep i've been noticing a lot of braxton hicks in the past couple hours (I guess I need to start counting) At least I am pretty sure thats what they are - I can touch my stomach and feel it harder, and I can also feel my stomach getting tight. Do frequent BH mean labor or is it normal to have them close together. I looked at the clock at 2:41 while I was having one, and now at 2:53 im feeling another. I guess ill wait and see when the next one is but in the meantime is this normal or should I keep close attention to them?
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Name: roseywosey | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 6:54 AM
keep close attention to them.. they seem to be pretty close. 

Name: soon2bmommy | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 6:58 AM
Its hard to tell how close because i've got other things on my mind. I just noticed them before but didnt really pay attention. I guess now ill start timing them. But I mean if they are just BH does that mean anything? They arent painful at all - its just my stomach getting tight. But I hear you can have contractions that dont hurt so thats why im not sure. 

Name: breemichelle | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 5:33 PM
You do want to pay attention to them. I kept having them one day and I could never tell when they were starting or stopping and it seemed like at one point my stomach contracted and just stayed contracted. The next day the doctors had me come in and do a non-stress test. They said I was not in pre-term labor and that I was probably having so many because I had a really active weekend and was most likely dehydrated and lacking electrolytes. But it could mean pre-term labor or labor so still pay attention to them. 

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