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Name: JasminesMommy
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Okay, well since she was born (except for that black meconium stuff) Jasmine has had yellow-gooey-poop. She is 8 weeks old now and for the last two days, it's been kind of gray-brown mixed with yellow colored and a little bit more formed than before (it wasnt runny before, but it wasnt this formed either, now it's like the consistency of toothpaste to peanut butter) It also smells like real poop. The stuff before had a non-poop, but still nasty smell... now it really smells like poop. Is this just because she is getting older or is there something wrong? She seems to not be pooping as much with this new poop but I dont think she's constipated because she's not showing any discomfort. Help! I wanna know if I should call the doctor about it or if it's normal!
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Name: jillw | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 5:26 PM
poop dose change as they get older, but you need to make sure that she is not getting constipated. How often she poops is not that important, but it needs to be soft. The color will change based on her formula if she is not breast fed. If it is thicker then peanut butter then she is getting constipated. Give her a little extra water, or 2oz of water with a tbs of light brown surger twice a day. It should get her moving quickly. Kendra had bad constipation for several weeks so I had to change formula. As long as it is not hard and it does not hurt her to go then she is fine. If it keeps up then call the dr. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 7:34 PM
bradens is green from the soy. so is mine though lol 

Name: Marti | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 8:21 PM
It doesn't hurt Ian to poo but he has some toots that make him cry. The pediatrician said that's normal but I don't think screaming when tooting is normal. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 9:36 PM
haha marti! braden farts up a storm, ill be trying to burp him and he farts im like uh wrong end buddy! lol 

Name: Marti | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 9:53 PM
Does he have a problem with it? It used to really bother Ian. He's better now but today has been rough on him. He was eating and then would stop and scream and I'd h ear this loud toot. Some of his toots sound like they came from a grown man :) 

Name: JasminesMommy | Date: Jun 23rd, 2007 10:07 PM
jillw - I havent changed the kind of formula she's eating. Thats why it makes me wonder because she isnt eating anything different than she was before. Her formula hasnt ever given her any problems 

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