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Name: AnnD
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I had kind of a dramatic day. I have noticed that I my uterus has been tightening and someone said they might be Braxton Hicks contractions. Plus, by 3 pm today, I hadn't felt her move a whole lot since last night. So, once again, they told me to come in. Well, the Dr. saw me and found her heartbeat and checked my cervix. She said everything was fine with those. She said that they were probably Braxton Hicks contractions but don't worry about unless they are less than 10 minutes apart or happen 6 or more times an hour. Okay....fast forward to 6:15 pm. I'm up in the kitchen and putting groceries away, getting started on dinner and I have been feeling my stomach since leaving the doctor's office and my stomach seems to be tightening every few minutes. This occurred through dinner and I called my sister-in-law (she's an RN and has three babies in three years). She said to take it easy for awhile and see if they stop as the activity has stopped and if not, call. Well, they didn't. I was waaaaaaaaaaaay over my 6 an our limit and they were definatley happening less than 10 minutes apart. So, I looked in my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and www.babycenter.com and they both said to call. So, I decided to call....

The answering service had me on hold for about 6 or 7 minutes. So, this guys picked up the phone (and he seemed rushed and stressed out at the start, like he needed to be done and over with the call). He asked how he could help me and I told him I had never called the emergency line before and began my story.....well, he interrupted me and asked if it was a medical emergency and I said "I hope not. I'm not sure, that's why I'm calling." And he got really annoyed, raised his voice and said: "Ma'am, I can't help you unless you tell me whether or not you want me to page the Dr!" So, I was kind of surprised because he was being so rude and forceful. So, because I was so worked up and scared for the baby anyways, I just started to cry. I just said: "Well, I guess I want you to page the Dr. then." He asked me for my phone number and I gave him an extremely brief description of what I was worried about between sobs. It was so embarrassing, I just couldn't help it. He said the Dr. would call me back. So, she did a few minutes later. And, maybe it was because I was already crying, but she seemed annoyed too. I told her what was happening and she just goes: "Well, do they hurt?" I told her they didn't and she said: "Well, if they don't hurt, then there isn't anything to worry about." But, she said it like she had told me that today when she saw me and I shouldn't have called. But, I REALLY don't remember her telling me not to worry unless they hurt....just the less than 10 minutes apart and 6 or more an hour thing. So, I felt even worse after that, like she was angry or I was being stupid and I've been crying ever since then...that was half an hour ago. I guess I needed a good cry anyways and this just was too much.

When did you guys first have BH contractions? I'm still scared for the baby because it seems to be happening so often and I worry about pre-term labor. I'm just a mess.....
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Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 7:50 PM
how far along in the pregnancy are you? my BH started around 18 weeks actually. I would feel one or 2 during the day. It doesnt hurt but i feel my uterus contracting and it is a bit of discomfort. I take it that this is your first pregnancy, You will know when you are in labor cause generally (except for a few women) they hurt. They become more and more intense, longer, and happen more often... If you see water though, then you have to go to the hospital regardless of the pain or contractions... And this is what I learned from my lamaze class. It was really helpful to know what to expect ... 

Name: moshecathy | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 7:51 PM
Ohhh try resting and drinkn lots of water too. I heard from some of the moms in this forum that it really works.. 

Name: AnnD | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 8:14 PM
I'm 27 weeks. Yeah, since my little experience I have read up on BH contractions and one source said that BH contractions can be initiated by dehydration and to make sure to drink plenty of water each day. I feel better about what happened and haven't felt too many today and baby girl has been moving around. But, I'm so humiliated and I feel like I can't call there anymore. Plus, I'm just a little disillusioned and disappointed with the way I was treated in general by them. I don't know what I'll do with these feelings, but I'll get over it one way or the other. 

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