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Name: lois
[ Original Post ]
I was wondering is it possible to still get pregnant even if my boyfriend only gets part of the way in or just touches my area? He never had his orgazism until after we stop fooling around.
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Name: Wendi | Date: Jul 3rd, 2005 12:49 AM
Of course you can get pregnant if there is penetration at all even if your boyfriend does not have orgasm until after he pulls out. The pre-ejaculation has sperm in it as well as the big O. Pulling out is not an effective way of birth control. If you are not pregnant already you should choose another form. 

Name: . | Date: Jul 3rd, 2005 3:49 AM
FYI, "Pre Ejaculation" sperm is not living. Look it up. 

Name: Pam | Date: Jul 3rd, 2005 2:36 PM
Pre Ejaculation is actually is stronger then ejaculation. How does one know research and brother is in medical field. So any type of pre is alive. A man releases over 1 million sperms during sex. So there you go. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Jul 10th, 2005 11:41 PM
Look, for the girl who wrote the original thread and anyone else enquiring about this issue the difference between semen and sperm: Semen is the ejaculatory fluid in which sperm live.

Unless semen comes into DIRECT contact with your vagina, while the semen is still WET, you are not at risk of pregnancy. If your boyfriend masturbates just before seeing you or while he's with you, stay on the safe side and tell him to wash and dry his hands after masturbating. However, even if he doesn't wash his hands, if it has dried, you are safe, even if his hands get wet again.

We cannot with certainty give you an EXACT TIME. It all depends on however long it takes to dry. Semen dries very quickly when exposed to air and once they have dried, the sperm are dead. Once semen is dried up on any surface, there is no chance of pregnancy. This applies to toilet sheets, clothing (even if NOT washed after sperm was released on them), sheets, hands or other body parts, etc. Once exposed to the air, sperm die very quickly.

Use common sense! If you are wearing thin or lacey underwear and your partner ejaculates next to your vagina on the outside of the underwear, YES, the semen COULD get through the underwear. For the most part, semen can't get through most clothing, but there are always exceptions. To be safest, please use condoms, even when just "fooling around" or another reliable birth control method. If you are going to that extent in your sexual activities, then it is time to visit your family planning center and learn to stay safe!

NB. Can people using this forum please be aware that not everyone is equal in their knowledge of pregnancy issues which is the purpose of these forums. We should come to gether as women and support those who ask for our help not ridicule them into submission, especially when the information given in haste is incorrect. 

Name: nicole | Date: Sep 29th, 2005 3:15 AM
yea u can if ur bf ejautes near the vagina u can get pregnant plus if he fingers u with sperm he can u get pregnant that way 

Name: nicole | Date: Sep 29th, 2005 3:16 AM
you could if he has sperm on his fingers and touches ur area and yes 

Name: nicole | Date: Sep 29th, 2005 3:17 AM
well it depends on that 

Name: Sara D. | Date: Sep 29th, 2005 8:26 PM
Once sperm has been release it can live up to 20 minutes. After that the sperm start to slow down. I have watched the process and as gross as it may seem, it is very educational. (worked in a hospital lab for almost 4 years) Just play it safe---Wear a condom!!! 

Name: Jennifer | Date: Sep 30th, 2005 8:32 AM
excellent anne marie! 

Name: joel | Date: Mar 8th, 2006 1:38 PM
um i dont know 

Name: nincy | Date: Jan 7th, 2007 7:19 PM
well i have the same question...my boyfriend and i have dry sex. he wears his boxers and i wear my underwear. but he does get little spots. he doesnt actually ejaculate though. do those spots have sperm? and can i get pregnant from them? 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jan 7th, 2007 7:20 PM
no, and please just post a new topic. 

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