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Name: Jessi R
[ Original Post ]
I'm probably going to sound like a moron but.. I've read all the books, I've caught up on what it is.. but, I started charting my BBT day one of my period and I'm so overwhelmed with all the info.. is it supposed to rise now? Go down? Go up and then down and up again after ovulation? If anyone has a really good grasp on this stuff I'd appreciate a little push in the right direction, I'll be trying again real soon :)
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Name: briseis | Date: Jun 13th, 2007 3:31 PM
I believe it goes up above your cover line just after you ovulate, maybe a day or 2 after you ovulate. Before that, it should remain at consistent temperatures. 

Name: Love_Being_A_Mom | Date: Jun 13th, 2007 6:55 PM
When you ovulate your temp will go above your cover line. Your coverline will be what your average temp is before ovulation. Once you have ovulated and are not pregnant you temp will drop below the coverline. Should you be pregnant it will continue to go up. 

Name: Jessi R | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 1:40 AM
OOoooh I get it, why can't they explain it like that in the books? Lol... Well I'm at a consisten 97.2-97.4 range, so that'll go up.. gotcha makes sense.. Thanks :) 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 6:46 AM
You can set up a free account with fertilityfriend.com or just download a free chart to print out to keep track of your temps. I know you just had your period so your temps are right where they should be. The day after ovulation, your temp will go up to the high 70's but most likely will be 98 and above. Keep in mind that many things can alter your bbt such as sleeping with a window open or blankets on you even in the heat.

You also need to keep track of cervical mucus. You're most fertile 2-3 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. When you come into your peak days, your cm will get thicker and thicker to become an egg white consistency. After ovulating, your cm will dry up. Some women have a few day so egg white cm while others may only have one.

The day after ovulating will be luteal phase day 1 and you count these days till you get your next period. The average lp is 14 days, but can be a few days shorter or longer. Mine is 12 days. Your lp is usually the most consistant part of your cylce. You can use this to help detect pregnancy as well. If your temp stays up for at least 18 days, there is a good chance you are pregnant.

You can use ovulation prediction kits, but I find them not accurate enough to warrant the amount of money they cost. The reason being, you can get a positive for your surge and still not acutally ovulate. Also, the window can be as small as 12 hours till ovulation occurs. So if you test in the morning, by the time you get to have sex, you may have already ovulated making your chances of conception smaller. That being said, we did have success with opk's, used Rite Aid brand. They got very dark and I always thought of them as a positive. Turns out they weren't positive, but because I mistook them for being positive, we got pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost the baby 11 weeks into the pregnancy. We tried again with the all clear and used the clear blue digital opk's and got a positive 2 different cycles. But I found out that the day I got that positive is the day I ovulated, so a complete waste to me. If you get them, use the store brand ones.

One note to remember....no matter how regular you are, your cycle can change in a heartbeat. One month you can ovulate on cycle day 19 and the next month on cd 31. I'm like that. Last month I o'd on cd21 and this month looks like cd31. Your main goal is to see if you ovulate and to see how long your lp is.

Remember, cd 1 is the first day of regular flow and not the day if you just have spotting.

Sorry this is so long, but too much information about ttc 

Name: Jessi R | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 1:49 PM
No I strongly appreciate that you took the time out to explain that to me. I read it in the books but everything seems so robotic when you're reading it. I mean, I'm 25 so it's not like I don't have a CLUE about it but for some reason I just may get overwhelmed about it all. Seeing and hearing it from someone in my shoes doing the same thing is huge for me, and I really want to thank you for explaining it all. I realized I o'd on cd 26 last month, and usually I'm o'ing on day 18ish.. I had a few stressors going on in May so I'm sure that's what had something to do with me being delayed (hence why my period was delayed). I haven't conceived yet, and as much as my husband says "it's ok" he is just as heartbroken as me, if not worse. I know I'm probably in the wrong forum but everyone here has been through it all so it's a huge help for me. I bought "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" software (from the famous book) and have been charting since day one of my period (which wasn't the day of spotting but the day of heavy flow) and so far that's helping me and you girls on here. Thank you Daisy, lengthy is GOOD to me haha.. now i see "ttc" all the time, is that just short term for trying to conceive? And when you'd said after ovulation my temp will go up to high 70's, almost 98, did you mean up to high 90's instead? Again thanks so much and I'm off to record!!! :) 

Name: A Mom To Be | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 9:15 PM

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 11:01 PM
sorry about that, I meant 97 not 70 

Name: Jessi R | Date: Jun 15th, 2007 2:43 PM
It's ok that's what I figured, I'm the queen of typo's lol
(still in the 97.4 range) 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 15th, 2007 10:51 PM
Looks like I'm the queen of typos for this topic, lol 

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