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Name: Heather
[ Original Post ]
I am due May 22nd and I am having a boy. I was wondering if any of you ladies are around my due date or already had your babies and know the difference between the two?? With my first son I had painful braxton hicks and no pain real contractions. Now I am having contractions with and without pain and I am 29 weeks. I get a contraction at least once an hour!!
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Name: Chris | Date: Mar 6th, 2006 9:17 PM
I would call your Dr just to be safe. I'm not pregnant right now, but I had contractions with my son a lot at the end. They would come on when I was standing a lot or moving around and they were even more frequent. I was told not to worry, but my Dr. advised me to stay in town and keep an eye on the timing. She told me that if I was having more than 4 an hour that I needed to check back in with her. I would even get to the point where they would be about 7 minutes apart, but they never got closer till I went in weeks later. It's always better to be safe, but I know that it's pretty common around that time frame to be having contractions like that. 

Name: Michelle | Date: Mar 6th, 2006 10:17 PM
My doctor told me that if i have any contractions, even braxton hicks, that can be timed for fiften minutes then to call. I had this happen with my third pegnancy when I was around 28 weeks and the doctor told me to go to the hospital. Come to find out I was dehydrated and needed iv fluids for almost the entire day. It stopped my contractions and I went full term. So when in doubt always call your doctor. Good luck to you. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Mar 7th, 2006 12:02 AM
Same things happend to me like Michelle when I was 27 weeks. I am now 39 weeks and due in 2 days, with no signs of any sort of contractions! 

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